Chapter Activity Reports

PR Chapter Fraternization at the Movie Theater

Alpha Zeta visited the movie theater in Western Plaza in Mayaguez on November 24th at 9:15 pm to watch The Mockingjay. Both current members and pledges assisted to the event and enjoyed the film. We experienced the highs and lows of the movie together, some members more than others, and also heard the comments of nonfans that assisted merely to fraternize. The nonfans thought, for some reason, that the whole movie was to happen up on a three, while there was a member that kept making faces at certain new characters in the sequel, though she would not explain why. All in all, e had a pleasant time and after watching the movie, we conversed about anything and everything late into the night.

Sunday, December 21, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4613)/Comments (0)/

Alpha Zeta HS Student Investigation Community Service

A High School Student, Naomy Candelaria required subjects with experience in developing a garden and subjects without experience in developing a garden for her investigation of Puerto Rico Zero Waste Management. As agricultural students, Alpha Zeta members have experience in developing a  garden, and so some members volunteered to be such subjects. Naomy required us to give her our recycling material for a total of three weeks, once after a week of recycling and another time after two weeks of recycling. Afterwards, we were required to answer two different surveys via internet. On November 10th, we handed over our first bags of recycling and on November 25th we handed over our second bags of recycling. At about the same time, we answered the surveys that were sent through e-mail and finished our parts. Naomy’s investigation was completed successfully. She was even published in the newspaper El Nuevo Día.

Sunday, December 21, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4337)/Comments (0)/
PR Chapter Zoo Community Service

PR Chapter Zoo Community Service

We visited the zoo and helped out with different chores.
Sunday, December 21, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4970)/Comments (0)/
Alpha Zeta Puerto Rico Coffee Fair

Alpha Zeta Puerto Rico Coffee Fair

Our Agricultural Sciences Department held a coffee fair, to promote everything about coffee. We had a small table where we sold muffins, cookies, danishes and oriented people about coffee. We had a lot of fun during the whole activity especially being so close to christmas where in Puerto Rico we basically start celebrating on November 1st and who doesn't love coffee. It was a great atmosphere there was music, dancing and great friends.
Saturday, December 20, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5480)/Comments (0)/
Saturday, December 20, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4838)/Comments (0)/
Puerto Rico Chapter Pig Farm Visit

Puerto Rico Chapter Pig Farm Visit

On November 8th we went to a pig farm in the town of Moca to work with pigs. We injected supplemental iron, tattooed their ears, castrated and weaned the pigs. It was a great learning experience for both the candidates and the old members because some of them had never worked with pigs. After a hard day of work working with almost 90 pigs we went to eat and shared some of our stories with this year’s candidates.

Saturday, December 20, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5444)/Comments (0)/
Puerto Rico Chapter Harvesting and Planting

Puerto Rico Chapter Harvesting and Planting

Our Chapter went to the town of Anasco to help a school in their local garden. We helped transplant some vegetable plants they wanted to produce and helped harvest cilantro. This activity was a great learning experience for some of our new candidates, we were able to speak to some of the school teachers about agriculture and how they have been so successful with their garden.
Saturday, December 20, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4770)/Comments (0)/
AZ Puerto Rico Chapter Breast Cancer March

AZ Puerto Rico Chapter Breast Cancer March

Alpha Zeta Puerto Rico Chapter participated on the breast cancer support march on October 23rd. This is the march for which we sold t-shirts, bracelets, hats and pins to help raise funds. The march was around our college campus and at the end everybody got together to form a giant pink bra.

Saturday, December 20, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4469)/Comments (0)/
Puerto Rico Chapter Honor Student Recognition

Puerto Rico Chapter Honor Student Recognition

On October 22nd our Agricultural Sciences department held an honor student ceremony were all of our faculty honor students are recognized for their academic achievements. Our Chapter was also recognized for our different leadership and community service activities during the semester.

Saturday, December 20, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4229)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Fall Initiation

Florida Chapter Fall Initiation

Angely S. Jimenez

On November 17th, the Florida Chapter had the pleasure of welcoming 18 new brothers to our Fraternity! After a grueling 7 week process, the 18 pledges completed all of their requirements and were initiated. 

The evening started off with the initiation ceremony, followed by a buffet style dinner and Dr. Charles Guy's presentation on plants and human health, and concluded with the pledge class Chronicler's video presentation and awards. In attendance were the faculty sponsors, the newly initiated pledges, and fraternity brothers.

Three awards were given out: Best Paddle, Most Outstanding Pledge, and Most Outstanding PC officers. Congratulations to Stephen, Brittney, and Maya respectively for your achievements, and a big welcome to our new Brothers! We can't wait for next semester!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5104)/Comments (0)/