Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter Intramural Basketball Team

Florida Chapter Intramural Basketball Team

The Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta began their co-rec 5 on 5 basketball season last week. After a depressing loss of 50 to 19 the first week, the team improved tremendously the second week. A few of our brothers came out to cheer us on. Although most of us aren't basketball stars, we dedicate the time to have a weekly practice to improve our skills. This is a great team-building sport, because not only are we working together to achieve a goal, but we are working on our communication skills as well. It looks like its going to be a great season! 
Wednesday, February 11, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4759)/Comments (0)/

Recruitment Time!

The RPAC and Norton House

In order to promote the organization that is Alpha Zeta, the Townshend Chapter held two recruitment events at the RPAC and Norton House dormitory.  Overall, seven of our Chapter members facilitated an info-session type of meeting for prospective students interested in joining the Alpha Zeta Honorary.  Eight possible recruits came out and were excited to hear what every one of us had to say about the organization. We explained what Alpha Zeta Partners is and what all it entails (the leadership seminars, the study abroad to Brazil, and how we have personally grown from the experience). We provided the prospective students with video on Class '15 during their stay in Brazil and then answered questions.  The purpose of the event was to answer questions regarding to the honorary fraternity, to clarify how the study abroad incorporates into one's college curriculum, and to explain the beginning stages of the application process so as to recruit new members for Class '17. 

Monday, February 9, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4885)/Comments (0)/

Coffee and Conversations Breakfast

Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association

This breakfast was the second in a series of conversations the Townshend Chapter at The Ohio State University is having with the Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association (OCWGA).  The theme of the breakfast conversation was ethanol production.  A chemist from Illinois began by sharing some information regarding ethanol in the USA, and ethanol on an international scale. Club members then conversed at tables with representatives from OCWGA, and the ethanol industry in order to ask questions about ethanol production.  This benefitted the students of our chapter by allowing them to reengage in themes from the Brazil trip, and make contacts with agricultural professionals in Ohio.  The OCWGA benefitted by working with a young group of people, who may be future coworkers in the industry.  The chapter participated in order to have an event for juniors and seniors in the club.  We want an activity that keeps people motivated in the club, and believe the breakfast conversations offer an outlet for learning and engagement.  In order for this event to be successful several members of the club acted as representatives to brainstorm a potential activity.  Once the breakfast was chosen, three members have worked with OCWGA to give feedback, and set dates for the event.  The OCWGA has taken care of the rest of the planning.

Friday, February 6, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4971)/Comments (0)/
Thursday, February 5, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4782)/Comments (0)/
California Alpha Zeta Brotherhood Retreat

California Alpha Zeta Brotherhood Retreat

California Alpha Zeta Chapters Cal Eta and Cal Delta joined the Cal Epsilon Chapter in Fresno for the first California Alpha Zeta Brotherhood retreat. Members spent the day discussing bylaws, fundraising and communication. They played numerous ice breakers including Skit in a Bag, The Key Game, and the hilarious pterodactyl. Members even got up and moving with a scavenger hunt and a game of bowling during lunch. This retreat helped create new friendships, gain insight with how Alpha Zeta works for different chapters and helped bring some ideas into our own chapter. Thank You to the Cal Eta and Cal Delta Chapters for driving out, thank you to all members that attended, and Special Thank you to Beatriz Rodriguez for planning the event.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5876)/Comments (0)/
Fresno Industry Tours

Fresno Industry Tours

On Thursday, December 11, 2014 seven members of the Cal Epsilon Chapter spent the day touring different facilities in the Central Valley. Our first stop was the Pitman Farm's Hatchery where we learned about their processes and facilities. We then made our way to the Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center where we took a drive around the experimental area , looked at the Greenhouses, and the experimental rooms. This was a great opportunity for our members to get an up close and personal look into the agricultural industry.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4910)/Comments (0)/
Fresno Industry Tours

Fresno Industry Tours

On Thursday, December 11, 2014 seven members of the Cal Epsilon Chapter spent the day touring different facilities in the Central Valley. Our first stop was the Pitman Farm's Hatchery where we learned about their processes and facilities. We then made our way to the Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center where we took a drive around the experimental area , looked at the Greenhouses, and the experimental rooms. This was a great opportunity for our members to get an up close and personal look into the agricultural industry.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4085)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Spring Rush

Florida Chapter Spring Rush

Sand Volleyball, Game Night, and Dinner and Movie Night

The Florida Chapter held their rush week events including sand volleyball, game night, and movie night. New recruits came out to play a game of sand volleyball. Even though we live in the sunshine state, the sand was still a bit too cold for our toes. But all in all it was a fun time. The next day we hosted game night. Here we played card games, sat around in a circle, and got to know one another. The last rush week event was the dinner and movie night. Dinner was catered by publix  subs and the movie was Lets be Cops. All of the events were successful and recruits were able to get to know the brothers a bit better and ask questions about our Chapter, AZ as a whole, and advice for interviews which will be held this week.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (3779)/Comments (0)/
Tuesday, February 3, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4582)/Comments (0)/
Alpha Zeta Cal Epsilon Fall 2014 Shop Day

Alpha Zeta Cal Epsilon Fall 2014 Shop Day

New Member Class Creates Their Own Paddles (Keys)

On November 24th, 2014 the Cal Epsilon chapter stormed the University Wood Shop by surprise. During the three hour allotted time span, the new member class of Fall 2014 was able to construct their new member Alpha Zeta paddles (keys) all by hand. The new members enjoyed creating their own paddles in the shop. Each one was tailored just right to fit the personality of the beholder. Way to go, Cal Epsilon Fall 14's. You make us proud! 
Wednesday, January 21, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5224)/Comments (0)/