Chapter Activity Reports

Friday, April 24, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (6371)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Initiation Ceremony

Florida Chapter Initiation Ceremony

On Monday April 13th, the Florida Chapter initiated 13 pledges into the Fraternity. The ceremony took place at the Straughn IFAS Extension Professional Development Center. We also had 3 honorary initiates this semester, representing Family, Youth and Community Sciences, Entomology and Nematology, and Food Science and Human Nutrition departments. It was a great night filled with delicious food, good conversation, and an excellent speaker. Dr. Tony Adendoro from the Agricultural Education and Communication department talked about leadership, branding, and who you are. He is also the director for the Challenge 2050 project, which is a project headed by CALS to target the challenges in agricultural and natural resource industries by the year 2050. 
We also had awards for our pledge class for most outstanding officer, most outstanding pledge, and best paddle. Congratulations to the winners: Carson Cooper, Katie Bassett, and Madison Goodwin. 
We can't wait to see how these new brothers will continue to foster our founding principles and help our chapter grow. Congratulations PC Spring 2015! Welcome to the brotherhood.
Thursday, April 23, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5791)/Comments (0)/
Spring Into Action-Montana Chapter

Spring Into Action-Montana Chapter

Spring has been a busy time here at Montana State!

Monday, April 6, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (10159)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Big/Little Reveal

Florida Chapter Big/Little Reveal

Last night the Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta had their Big/Little reveal and potluck hosted by the pledge class. I assigned corresponding costumes to both the Big and their Little. For example, we had Nemo and Dory, Men in Black and an alien, Batman and Robin. It was a fun time for everyone, and the pledges finally get to know who their Big is! I chose their Bigs based on speed dating that we had 2 weeks ago. All of the Bigs had a minute to talk to a pledge before moving on to the next one. Each pledge also filled out a questionnaire. Once littles were assigned, each Big got a plain white bag to decorate for their little and get them a gift to present them at the reveal. I got my little an old AZ tshirt, an AZ keychain, and some hand sanitizer. I also had a contest for "best decorated bag". The winner, Promy Tobassum, hand drew her entire bag!

All in all, it was a great evening filled with food, laughter, and memories to last a lifetime! 
Wednesday, March 25, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (6484)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Pledge Class Fishing for Success

Florida Chapter Pledge Class Fishing for Success

 ​This past Saturday, Alpha Zeta pledge class volunteered with the UF Fisheries and Aquatics Faculty to put on the first Fishing for Success event this year. About 100 individuals came out, as families, to fish in local ponds together. The pledges of AZ cut up the hot dogs used as bait, proctored a casting contest, and registered several guests at this event. While there was time, some members even got to practice their own fishing skills. - Olivia Scruggs PC Service Chair
Wednesday, March 25, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5464)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Pledge Class Plaque Cleaning Service Project

Florida Chapter Pledge Class Plaque Cleaning Service Project

Las week the pledge class of the Florida Chapter Alpha Zeta wanted to show our love and graditue to the previous brothers and our campus by cleaning and polishing our AZ plaque. We gathered together and washed, scrubbed and polished the gold plaque on campus. While getting wet and dirty, we put in a lot of elbow grease in order for our history to shine into the future. We are planning on doing this again this semester, allowing it to shine even more. - Olivia Scruggs, Pledge Class Service Chair
Wednesday, March 25, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (6436)/Comments (0)/
AZ Puerto Rico Final Day at 5 Days with our Earth fair

AZ Puerto Rico Final Day at 5 Days with our Earth fair

On the fifth and final day of the fair we sold every last bag of chips we had and we got to see that as a team we could accomplish anything. We participated in a Puerto Rican Purebred Horse Show and we got to meet the president of the Federation of the Puerto Rican Purebred Horse Association. We had a surprise visit from our ex-professor John Fernandez Van Cleve who was an honored guest at the activity and an Alpha Zeta member.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5733)/Comments (0)/
AZ Puerto Rico Fourth Day at 5 Days with our Earth fair

AZ Puerto Rico Fourth Day at 5 Days with our Earth fair

The fourth day of the fair March 20 we didn’t want to sell anything and took the day off to enjoy the fair as a group.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5337)/Comments (0)/

AZ Puerto Rico Third Day at 5 Days with our Earth fair

The third day of the fair we successfully sold all the ginger (all 6 boxes) and continued selling well the different types of chips.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5450)/Comments (0)/
AZ Puerto Rico Second Day at 5 Days with our Earth fair

AZ Puerto Rico Second Day at 5 Days with our Earth fair

On the second day of the fair March 18th we had a successful sale of turmeric, we sold it all. We continued selling ginger and the Lares chips that included cassava, dasheen, plantain, breadfruit, sweet potato and lile Malanga chips.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5585)/Comments (0)/