Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter at Gator Plunge

The Florida Chapter participates in Gator Plunge Day of Service at the University of Florida.
Friday, November 11, 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5111)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Green & Clean Service Event

Florida Chapter Green & Clean Service Event

Members of the Florida Chapter participate in the Green & Clean service event with UF Sustainability. 
Friday, November 11, 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5483)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter at the Ronald McDonald House

Florida Chapter at the Ronald McDonald House

The Florida Chapter participates in Sweets&Treats Service at the Ronald McDonald House. 
Friday, November 11, 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5065)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Service at the Humane Society

Florida Chapter Service at the Humane Society

Members of the Florida Chapter volunteered with the Alachua County Humane Society.
Friday, November 11, 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4780)/Comments (0)/

Florida Chapter Adopt-a-Street Cleanup

Members of the Florida Chapter came together to clean up our adopted street. 
Friday, November 11, 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4831)/Comments (0)/

Ohio State's Townshend Chapter Pulled off the Pulled Pork Fundraiser


Every semester Alpha Zeta Partners hosts a Hog Roast in the Agricultural Auditorium in the Agricultural Administration building on OSU campus. The Hog Roast serves as the main fundraiser for our chapter and all of the chapter is involved in making it a success. The Chapter benefited in many ways through this program including financially and building relationships with potential members throughout the college. The chapter continues to participate in this even year after year because it is an event that has worked very well for us for many years. AZP members love getting a chance to meet and mingle with other students within the college. Also, it is an easy way for members to continue to be involved by donating food for the event. 

The event was planned by the PR/Fundraising Committee. We started out with recommendations from the previous committee and made decisions based on those recommendations. Those decisions included, how much pork to purchase, how many drinks, as well as what supplies were needed. This event required myself and other members to devote time to prepare food the night before the event and serve it over the course of 3 hours from 11am-2pm. We actually ran out of food because so many people wanted to support us for the fundraiser; we learned more pork and mashed potatoes is always a good thing. In addition, we had to advertise for the event which is one area I feel we grew a lot in this time around. We contacted college faculty and staff to increase awareness of the event throughout the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. We raised roughly $175 more than last year so we feel the event was highly successful.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (11081)/Comments (0)/
NC Chapter Helps to Restore Local Garden after Hurricane Matthew

NC Chapter Helps to Restore Local Garden after Hurricane Matthew

After having damage caused by Hurricane Matthew the NC State University SOUL Garden hosted a workday for volunteers to help rebuild their plant beds and fencing.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4819)/Comments (0)/
NC Chapter Brings a Delicious Meal to Local Firefighter's

NC Chapter Brings a Delicious Meal to Local Firefighter's

The North Carolina Chapter took time out of their Saturday evening on September 17th to help feed some local heroes at Fire Station 20.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5537)/Comments (0)/
NC Takes a Tour of the Unique Ninja Cow Farm

NC Takes a Tour of the Unique Ninja Cow Farm

This past Saturday the North Carolina Chapter was able to take a farm tour at Ninja Cow Farm and learn about sustainable beef and pork production through the use of alternative agricultural practices.

This past weekend the North Carolina chapter enjoyed taking a farm tour at Ninja Cow Farm, a local family owned farm in Raleigh, NC. According to the farm owner this farm is the closest large animal farm to downtown Raleigh. On the tour, we got to learn about some different alternative agricultural practices. The farm claims they’re unique because they don’t use commercial feed for their animals and instead takes the produce that the State Farmers Market used to throw away and uses that to help feed their array of animals. The many animals they have on the farm include free-range pigs that are not confined and raised in the woods; Hereford-Angus cross beef cattle; some Holstein dairy cattle; and a few chickens. The farm’s goal is to produce beef and pork in a sustainable manner by feeding recycled produce from the Farmers Market. They even have an on-site store that also serves as a hub for other local farms to sale their products. At then end of the tour we got to sample and purchase some of the locally produced products in addition to getting to feed some of the cows. We were able to enjoy each other’s company and learn about some alternative agricultural practices that we otherwise might never have learned about in class.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5124)/Comments (0)/

Agricultural Fact of the Week

Ruellia simplex, a mexican petunia, is invading Praynes Prairie

Ruellia simplex, a Mexican petunia , invasive plant species was invading Praynes Prairie Preserve State Park. A study was conducted to see the effects of herbicides on future invasive species growth and native species growth. 
Tuesday, November 8, 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5605)/Comments (0)/