Chapter Activity Reports

Information Sessions

Information Sessions

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

September 7-9, the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta held our information session for our prospective new members.  Each of our committee members spoke about the activities they had planned for the semester and a powerpoint was presented as well...
Friday, September 10, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4691)/Comments (0)/

Gelato Company Fundraiser

Originally posted by Ashleigh Woodruff

On September 9, we participated in a project that was a fundraiser hosted by the Gelato Company to benefit the Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta. Ten percent of the sales made by customers that stated they were with the Alpha Zeta Fundraiser are going towards the funds of our chapter. The Chapter participated in order to raise money to help recruit pledges along with other expenses throughout the year. Planning included setting up a date with the establishment as well as advertising of the event.
Friday, September 10, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4695)/Comments (0)/

Back to School Dinner Social (Gators Dockside)

Originally posted by Ashleigh Woodruff

On September 3, seventeen AZ students and alumni gathered for a back to school dinner social.  The dinner was for members to catch up and talk about their summers. We also talked about future events for the year. It was good for everyone to be able to hang out again outside of the meeting environment and have fun!
Friday, September 10, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4653)/Comments (0)/
CALs Alumni Tailgate

CALs Alumni Tailgate

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

On September 4, the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta, participated in the CALs Alumni tailgate with many other NC State CALs organizations.  This is a time for graduates of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences to enjoy a meal and see what has been going on with the organizations that they participated in in college...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4566)/Comments (0)/


Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

On Wednesday September 1st at 6:30, The North Carolina Chapter had our beginning of the semester potluck.  We each brought a dish and invited several of our alumni for a time of fellowship.  We had twenty brothers and five alumni in attendance.
Thursday, September 2, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5070)/Comments (0)/

Brickyard Organization Fair

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

On Wednesday August 25th, the North Carolina Chapter participated in NC State University's Brickyard Organization Fair.  We had 8 brothers pass out information to interested students as well as some candy to brighten their day.  We had a display board and our scrapbook was there as well so that students can see what we do and what we are all about!
Thursday, August 26, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4549)/Comments (0)/

Letter Stuffing

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

On Friday August 20th, eight Alpha Zeta brothers and a few alumni of the North Carolina Chapter met at our Censor, Lindsay Pitt's, apartment for letter stuffing.  We stuffed approximately 1000 letters to send to eligible students informing them of our upcoming information sessions.  After we finished stuffing all the letters, we took the opportunity to fellowship with a celebratory cook-out.
Thursday, August 26, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4685)/Comments (0)/
CALs Freshman Involvement Fair

CALs Freshman Involvement Fair

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

Every year NC State hold a variety of informational fairs to help the incoming freshman find their niche on campus and this year our chapter of Alpha Zeta participated in the CALs Involvement Fair.   We had a total of 15 brothers out to represent the Fraternity. There was a multitude of freshmen that stopped by our booth to learn more about Alpha Zeta and what we are about, there were also a few Alumni who graced our presence!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4535)/Comments (0)/
Founder's Day

Founder's Day

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

On April 24th, we held our annual Founder's Day semi-formal and awards presentation.  The event took our Founder's Day committee months to plan.  It was held at the University Club on NC State's campus.  The even costs our chapter around $1500 but was well worth every penny.  It was a great time to honor our graduating seniors, award scholarships, and recognize our newly elected officers.  We had an alumni, Dr. Cassady, as our guest speaker and we had ten other alumni in attendance with about 30 active brothers.  After our formal presentations and a lovely dinner, we enjoyed an evening of socializing and dancing.
Monday, June 7, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4796)/Comments (0)/
AZ Plaque Restoration at University of Florida

AZ Plaque Restoration at University of Florida

Originally posted by Lauren Mangnall

Mark Marcojos, advisor of the Florida AZ Chapter, with help from two other members, Clifton Cox and Tim Thomas, recently undertook a project to restore the Alpha Zeta plaque on the outside of the Ag Administration building, McCarty A. It’s unknown when the plaque was installed or when it was last cleaned but the McCarty A building has been on the UF campus since 1965...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4835)/Comments (0)/