Chapter Activity Reports

 Pork Chop Shop Fundraiser

Pork Chop Shop Fundraiser

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

The North Carolina State Fair is a ten-day annual event running October 14th-24th and is located in Raleigh. The fair brings people from all over North Carolina to Raleigh, and provides many opportunities for our members to get involved in service to agriculture. This year, over 1 million people visited the fair. Our main fundraising opportunity during the fair is through the North Carolina Pork Council. Throughout the week, at least 8 brothers a day voluteered their time working five hour shifts. We dedicated over 100 hours as a fraternity to the Pork Chop Shop...
Thursday, November 11, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4872)/Comments (0)/
Dinner at Cueva De Lobos

Dinner at Cueva De Lobos

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

On October 4th, thirty-five brothers and one alumni enjoyed a time of fellowship at Cueva De Lobos Mexican Restaurant.  While enjoying our meal we discussed multiple ideas for service and other opportunities for fellowship.  It was also a great time for us to get to know some of the fourteen new brothers that we welcomed this semester.
Thursday, November 11, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4559)/Comments (0)/

Rountable Interviews

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

Roundtable interviews are held the Sunday after our Rush events at 12:30am on Sept. 12th in our chapter meeting room. This interview is the next step in the North Carolina Chapter's recruitment process for new brothers...
Thursday, November 11, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4551)/Comments (0)/

Cal Epsilon helps celebrate California State University, Fresno’s Centennial Parade

Originally posted by Guest Caitlin

On October 16, 2010, Alpha Zeta Cal Epsilon members participated in California State University, Fresno's Centennial Parade. The parade was held on the day of the university's homecoming to celebrate its 100 years. The university's colleges, departments, clubs, community organization and sponsors assembled and decorated floats for the parade...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (9081)/Comments (0)/
UF AZ Founder's Day Social

UF AZ Founder's Day Social

Originally posted by Ashleigh Woodruff

This year the UF Chapter of AZ decided to celebrate AZ's birthday! November 4th is Founder's Day for AZ so we had a birthday party with birthday cake! Twenty-five alumni, members, and pledges came together to recognize this important day and celebrate by strengthening the fraternal bonds. This social event was organized by our social chair, Dalal Hares, and by our sentinel, Jean Saunders. Planning included reserving a club house at a local apartment complex, providing directions to everyone, preparing/purchasing food, and decorating.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4997)/Comments (0)/
Phired Up

Phired Up

Originally posted by Amanda E. Sorensen

On November 7th, 7 members of the Cook Chapter went to a chapter development program hosted by Rutgers called Phired Up. This program helps greek organizations develop a strong social network on which the can lean on for future events that they want to host. This also teaches members how to encourage other brothers to be more involved, recruit more people and how to better give back to the community through service. The presenters encouraged forming strong social bonds with people outside the chapter who we can network with later on. These ideas are also applicable in a career setting and in all matters of life.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4823)/Comments (0)/
Celebrating National Founders Day

Celebrating National Founders Day

Originally posted by Amanda E. Sorensen

On November 5th, Cook Chapter hosted the Cook Campus and Cook Chapter Alumni for a founders day celebration to promote the cause of Alpha Zeta. There was food and drinks (for those over 21). There were 18 brothers in attendance, 5 alumni, and 4 pledges.There was Cook and Alpha Zeta trivia Jeopardy, gift basket raffle, and we raised over $100 dollars in donations.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4710)/Comments (0)/
Monster Mash

Monster Mash

Originally posted by Amanda E. Sorensen

October 29th was quite a blustery, cold day at Rutgers University but that did not stop 21 members and 3 pledges of Alpha Zeta from giving back to the local New Brunswick Community. We hosted a table where we had games and candy for the kids of New Brunswick to celebrate Halloween in a safe environment. There were over 50 different Rutgers Organizations there to promote the importance of community and service.
Monday, November 8, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4783)/Comments (0)/
S'mores with Professors

S'mores with Professors

Originally posted by Amanda E. Sorensen

On October 16th, Alpha Zeta teamed up with Helyar House and invited professors to talk to the chapter about graduate school opportunities and future career paths. Dr. Robson was our honorary guest, who was also a past AZ alum. There were 17 members and 2 alumni present, along with 5 members from Helyar.
Monday, November 8, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4935)/Comments (0)/
Videogame Competiton Night

Videogame Competiton Night

Originally posted by Amanda E. Sorensen

On September 26th, an epic video game, supersmash brothers competition was held where 8 members, 1 pledge and 1 alumni was present. Our brother Shayaan won the competition and with it an awesome gift basket of glow sticks and bubbles!
Monday, November 8, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4788)/Comments (0)/