Chapter Activity Reports

Volunteer Work at the Salvation Army

Volunteer Work at the Salvation Army

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

On Saturday, November 6th, Alpha Zeta volunteers at the Salvation Army, community center located at Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The community center needed to clean up their warehouse that was at that moment full of objects and materials that will be distributed to those in need of them. Our job was to organize those items in boxes according to their use. At the end of the morning we had prepared about thirty-five boxes, which mostly contained, toys, rulers, sharpeners, and brushes.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4265)/Comments (0)/
Dairy Farm Cleaning

Dairy Farm Cleaning

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

On December 19, two members of Alpha Zeta and students from the College of Agricultural Sciences participated in the cleaning of a dairy farm, which belongs to the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus. As a goal we had a mission to improve our dairy farm and make it a better looking place for the employees, the visitors and the future students who come to use the facilities to  learn...
Tuesday, January 4, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4284)/Comments (0)/
Alpha Zeta Conference

Alpha Zeta Conference

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

Throughout the week of November 29th and December 3rd, several members of Alpha Zeta took the task of participating in the course of UNIV, which is aimed at freshman students as introduction to college.  During the semester the course offers the students help on how to adjust to college life, how the administration works, the sites around campus, the diverse of students organizations, and so on. The representatives of our chapter welcomed the newcomers and oriented them in what is Alpha Zeta. During the conference, they were taught about our history, our objectives of promoting the agriculture and the different activities we do involving all fields of agricultural sciences.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4265)/Comments (0)/
The 6th Scientific Meeting 2010 - Undergraduate College of Agricultural Sciences

The 6th Scientific Meeting 2010 - Undergraduate College of Agricultural Sciences

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

On December 7th, eight members of Alpha Zeta participated in the annual Scientific Meeting for Undergraduates College of Agricultural Sciences. Several students attended as participants of 

the activity where they gave the audience a presentation of their hard working investigation. Meanwhile, we worked as ushers of the event also helped with the decoration, organization, at the registration table and making sure the event was in order and visitors felt welcomed. We members of the Alpha Zeta were specially proud to recognized that three of our members participated in the event as presenters of their investigation at the Scientific Meeting, Virgilio Olivera, Veronica Negron and Miriel Otero. All of them being acknowledged for their diligent work in the field of investigation of agricultural sciences.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4259)/Comments (0)/
Middle School Conference about Agriculture

Middle School Conference about Agriculture

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

On November 4th, a group of six Alpha Zeta members, whose labor is to promote agriculture through education to the community, offered a conference at a middle school in Aguada, Puerto Rico. It was attended by thirty-three children of the seventh, eighth, and ninth grade. During the discussion we talked about what agriculture means to them, explained its importance to all of us, and its current situation. They also had the opportunity to learn about the different departments that the College of Agricultural Sciences at Mayaguez Campus has and to see and ask questions about different pictures taken in the laboratories, of the common practices carried out in each one. They also learned about several associations dedicated to agriculture and the work we do as members of Alpha Zeta.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4503)/Comments (0)/

Woodlands Service Project

Originally posted by Selina A. Ruzi

On December 4th, before Formal, 10 brothers carpooled out to Woodlands Wildlife Refuge to help winterize the facility. This included cleaning out the outdoor cages as well as the many of the other holding pens inside the building and the garage. The Refuge has many animals including bear cubs, which can be seen in the outdoor pens though brothers were not allowed to get to close or talk near them in the hopes that they would not get used to people. Despite the cold it was a fun way to give back. These 10 brothers accumulated a total of 36 hours of service for the Refuge. The event was planned by our Service Committee with help from two of our fellow brothers who have volunteered at the Refuge in the past.
Sunday, January 2, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4518)/Comments (0)/
UF AZ National Service Project

UF AZ National Service Project

Originally posted by Ashleigh Woodruff

The Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta hosted this National Service Project for 30 brothers who came from Florida and across the country. The project was four days (December 18th through the 21st) that started with a tour of the local farm worker community. Over the next few days, members gleaned 2,000lbs of oranges that were donated to local food banks and shelters. Alpha Zeta brothers also met with many leaders in charge of food banks and shelters and learned the prevalence of poverty worldwide and locally...
Friday, December 31, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4660)/Comments (0)/
Book Buybacks Fundraiser

Book Buybacks Fundraiser

Originally posted by Selina A. Ruzi

From December 16th to the 23rd, the Cook Chapter hosted book buy backs partnered with the Great Buy Back in order to raise money for a fellow brother in need. 50 brothers worked shifts at tables located at the Cook Campus Center and Douglas Campus Center from 10am to 6pm each day to buy back the textbooks from students and anyone who wished to sell. They got cash for books they no longer needed and the Cook Chapter received a commission for their work, raising over $600 at the Cook Campus Center alone. The event was planned by our Treasurer and Financial Committee.
Saturday, December 25, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4332)/Comments (0)/
Fall Formal

Fall Formal

Originally posted by Selina A. Ruzi

On December 4th, 40 brothers and guests gathered at the Douglas Campus Center for an evening of food, conversation, and dancing. There was a DJ, buffet style dinner and dessert, and lots of dancing. Brother awards were also given out by our wonderful Chronicler. Some of the awards included hardest working brother (both male and female), while others were funnier in nature and included Fraternity Clown. The one award that is always looked forward to is the Best Big/ Little Pair. The event was was planned by our fabulous Scribe while all the money for catering and the venue was taken care of by our Treasurer. It was a fun way to end the semester and to relax before the stressful studying for finals started.
Saturday, December 25, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4605)/Comments (0)/
New Member Ritual Night

New Member Ritual Night

Originally posted by Selina A. Ruzi

On October 1st, over 80 brothers and alumni gathered, prepared, and participated in the first ritual that all new members of Cook Chapter must go through. The night not only provided a great opportunity for brothers to catch up with alumni, but also for brothers and alumni to meet the prospective Pi class and to welcome them into the pledging process. These prospective pledges met their bigs for the first time and were welcomed by their family members who were to help and guide them through the pledging process in the hopes of them becoming brothers at initiation.
Saturday, December 25, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4362)/Comments (0)/