Chapter Activity Reports

AZ Well Represented at the Big E Lincoln Show

AZ Well Represented at the Big E Lincoln Show

Originally posted by Emmaline A. Long

This past weekend, AZ was well represented at the Lincoln Longwool show at The Big Exposition ("The Big E") in Springfield, Massachusetts. This fair is held for three weeks every September. Two actives from the Cornell Chapter went to show sheep this past weekend. Sister, Emmaline Long shows Lincoln Longwool sheep, a heritage wool breed and Chancellor Carly Neumann went to learn how to show. Several alumni who also show this breed were there showing including Richard Long, NC State, and Debbie Vanderwende, University of Delaware...
Monday, September 26, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4096)/Comments (0)/
UF Pledge Rush Events and Interviews

UF Pledge Rush Events and Interviews

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta holds a series of rush events each semester to allow potential members the opportunity to interact with current members and find out a little bit more about what Alpha Zeta is at UF. The rush events for this year consisted of our annual event Bat Watching with the Chancellor, and a few new events like Swing Dancing and a Road Clean-up. The events were a great time for potential pledges to get a feel for what events we do and see if they like how they fit in our chapter...
Monday, September 26, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4709)/Comments (0)/

NC Roundtable Interviews

Originally posted by Madeline N. Dabolt

On Sunday September 11th, the brothers of the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta met to interview our potential candidates.  We all met at Weaver labs at 11am in business professional dress and brought breakfast or brunch items to share.  We started the day by welcoming the potential candidates, showing them a slide show presentation of some of our activities, and singing the AZ friendship song.  These interviews gave us an opportunity to get to know these talented individuals and a time for them to ask us questions...
Thursday, September 22, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3717)/Comments (0)/
NC Fall Alumni Cookout

NC Fall Alumni Cookout

Originally posted by Madeline N. Dabolt

On September 10th, the brotherhood gathered at Pullen Park, just outside of campus, to enjoy each other’s company as well as the Alumni’s. Our Junior Advisor, Gary Hamm, cooked Hamburgers and Hot Dogs on his grill as well as chips and cookies. The food and company was very enjoyable. Several Brothers and Alumni showed up to enjoy playing football and kickball. Everyone had a great time and we plan on doing this again in the Spring.
Thursday, September 22, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3962)/Comments (0)/
NC Boards on the Bricks

NC Boards on the Bricks

Originally posted by Madeline N. Dabolt

To get our word out about our information sessions, we set up our boards on the brickyard September 7th and 8th. Brothers stood at the boards in between classes so that if a student had questions about Alpha Zeta they could answer them. We had several students who were interested. This was a good time for the brotherhood to interact with other students and each other.
Thursday, September 22, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3827)/Comments (0)/

NC Fall Rush Event

Originally posted by Madeline N. Dabolt

On Tuesday September 6th, we held our first Rush event in the Bragaw activity room.  We all enjoyed Baked Ziti that was prepared by our Censor, Emily and Chronicler, Lauren.  We also had Chocolate Chip cookies and other desserts that were made by several other brothers.  We had 5 potential candidates that came out to get to know us and received applications.  We had a slide show prepared and our committee heads and officers spoke on our many activities...
Thursday, September 22, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3816)/Comments (0)/
UF Pledge Information Meeting 9/20/11

UF Pledge Information Meeting 9/20/11

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences supplies our chapter with a list of students who are the top 2/5ths of the college. The students are then sent an invitation to join Alpha Zeta. Tuesday was the start of the busy week of pledging events. The introduction meeting allows the Pledge Master, Chancellor, and Censor to tell the students what we are about. Members also got the chance to interact with attendees and tell them about their experiences in AZ and the events we do on top of what was discussed in the meeting...
Wednesday, September 21, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4204)/Comments (0)/
UF TailGator 9/27/11

UF TailGator 9/27/11

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences puts on an annual event for alumni and current students called TailGator. The event starts 3 hours before kick-off and consisted of lunch and tabling of various organizations and departments. The event gave the Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta to show individuals that were invited earlier in the week and other attendees what we are about. Members got the chance to talk with attendees about AZ and the events we do...
Tuesday, September 20, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4303)/Comments (0)/
Cornell Chapter Participates in "Judy's Day"

Cornell Chapter Participates in "Judy's Day"

Originally posted by Emmaline A. Long

On Sunday, 9/18 three actives volunteered at "Judy's Day". This event is hosted every other year by The Cornell Plantations. This year, the theme was "Harvesting History" and focused on local life in the mid-1800's. This free event is open to the community and is geared towards children. It included many hands-on activities, music, and food.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3964)/Comments (0)/
Cornell University Homecoming Game and Tailgating

Cornell University Homecoming Game and Tailgating

Originally posted by Emmaline A. Long

This past Saturday, 9/17 was Cornell's homecoming game against Bucknell University. Before the game, we tailgated with other Greek organizations and then headed to the game. Many alumni who attended the lunch, National initiation, and alumni meeting earlier in the day came to tailgate with us. This was the first time the Homecoming game was in the evening and it was great to see all the school spirit! Cornell won 24-13 which added to the excitement of the day!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4261)/Comments (0)/