Chapter Activity Reports

UF Student Organization Fair Recruitment 1/20/12

UF Student Organization Fair Recruitment 1/20/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The University of Florida puts on an annual event for students showcasing a variety of student organizations on campus. The event took place on the colonnade in from of the student union. The event gave the Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta the opportunity to show individuals that will be invited later this month and other attendees who we are and what we are about. Members got the chance to talk with attendees about AZ, the events we do, and their personal experiences as a member....
Sunday, January 22, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4386)/Comments (0)/
UF Scavenger Hunt 1/17/12

UF Scavenger Hunt 1/17/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Florida Chapter started off the new semester with a little fun and games. At our first member meeting of the semester our social chair Kaylie Smith put together a scavenger hunt in order to get our members to know each other a little better. We started off the night taking turns introducing ourselves to allow our newest members the opportunity to put names to faces. We were then broken up into 7 teams that had to complete and take pictures of a variety of tasks such as "Tebowing" with the Tebow statue and arm wrestling with a stranger, which took place all across campus. Members sprinted out of the meeting room to start the first task of the semester!...
Sunday, January 22, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4135)/Comments (0)/
Cook Chapter Brotherhood Retreat

Cook Chapter Brotherhood Retreat

Originally posted by Lisa K. Izzo

On Sunday, January 22nd, the brothers of the Cook Chapter gathered for their annual Brotherhood Retreat. The retreat was a time to relax and have fun with fellow members and discuss goals for the semester. 55 members attended the retreat, which started out with a game of Apples to Apples. Members also worked on posters and videos for recruitment, which starts over the next few weeks. The retreat concluded with a discussion session where members voiced their opinions about things they would like to see changed and improved over the coming semester.
Sunday, January 22, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3858)/Comments (0)/
New Executive Board Installation

New Executive Board Installation

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

On the first Brother Meeting of the semester, Cook Chapter took the time to recognize the past year's Executive Board. Each old member ritually handed over their power to the new Executive Board and each new member said a small speech about the wonderful things that our Executive Board has done in the past year. As a present from the brotherhood, each departing member got their respective Alpha Zeta official executive board charm. We welcome the new year and cannot wait to see what our new leaders have in store for us!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3868)/Comments (0)/
Cook AZ Movie Night

Cook AZ Movie Night

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

On the last day of classes for this semester, Cook Chapter decided to relax for a few hours and have a movie night. 23 brothers squeezed in to one room and watched Just Friends, laughed and ate. To make the night more interesting, each brother was supposed to bring a baked good to share and have judged by the old executive board in a Bake-Off. The 'contestants' ranged from cookies and cake to cinnamon roles and the winner got  a bag of 'study aids,' including Red Bull and various candies and chips.
Thursday, December 29, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3873)/Comments (0)/
AZ NSP 12/18/11-12/21/11

AZ NSP 12/18/11-12/21/11

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta hosted the National Service Project for the second time. 10 brothers came from Florida and across the country to help in the Orlando area. The trip was an opportunity for members to work hard and make a difference in the lives of people we encountered or helped. The 10 members who came to Orlando worked extremely hard and made a huge difference in the lives of disadvantaged people in the Central Florida area!
Friday, December 23, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4407)/Comments (0)/
Cook Chapters Hosts Fall Semester Formal

Cook Chapters Hosts Fall Semester Formal

Originally posted by Lisa K. Izzo

On December 3rd, the brothers of Cook Chapter came together for their Fall Semester Formal. Over 60 people attended, both members of the chapter and guests. The chapter had fun getting dressed up and dancing the night away. Fun superlatives were given out, such as best big/little pair and hardest working brother, and each class preformed their class dance (a Cook Chapter tradition).
Wednesday, December 14, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3622)/Comments (0)/
Cal Epsilion Gives Back-"Project Shoebox"

Cal Epsilion Gives Back-"Project Shoebox"

Originally posted by Amber L. Sawyer

Alpha Zeta California Epsilon strives on giving back to the children and families of the Central Valley. Throughout the month of November and into December, members of our chapter were working hard to secure donations from families, friends, and local businesses to fulfill the mission of Project Shoebox. The goal of Alpha Zeta, Cal Epsilon's Project Shoebox was to assemble gifts for the underprivileged children in Fresno. These shoeboxes were to contain a variety of things (toys and necessities) that the children in our city may not get for Christmas...
Monday, December 12, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3911)/Comments (0)/
Cook Chapter Thanksgiving

Cook Chapter Thanksgiving

Originally by Vincenzo Averello IV

On Sunday November 20, 2011, 20 brothers came together for the Cook Chapter annual Thanksgiving potluck dinner. Each person brought a dish, many using local produce that directly supports local farmers. While there brothers reminisced about the past semester while watching football (it is Thanksgiving after all). It was a comfortable night with good friends and good food.
Sunday, December 11, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4099)/Comments (0)/
Cook Brothers See a Christmas Carol

Cook Brothers See a Christmas Carol

Originally by Vincenzo Averello IV

On Saturday December 10th 2011, seven brothers of the Cook Chapter traveled to McCarter Theater (Princeton, NJ) to see their presentation of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. This classic story was well presented with excellent acting and beautiful staging with fantastic set design and a few new songs that worked well into the show.
Sunday, December 11, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4436)/Comments (0)/