Chapter Activity Reports

UF Annual Rose Sale Fundraiser 2/12/12-2/14/12

UF Annual Rose Sale Fundraiser 2/12/12-2/14/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Florida Chapter has an annual rose sale, which is one of our biggest fundraisers! Our fundraiser chair, Gernide Zamor, did an excellent job planning everything out to the T! An order form is e-mailed to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences faculty listserv as well as the Florida chapter's AZ listserv and placed in the school newspaper a week before the big day. We order over 500 roses in red, white, and pink colors to fulfill our pre-sales and to sell individually on campus on Valentine's Day.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3959)/Comments (0)/
UF Intramural Beach Volleyball Game 2/12/12

UF Intramural Beach Volleyball Game 2/12/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Florida Chapter started its Spring intramurals in beach volleyball with a victory! Members will meet every Sunday at the outdoor volleyball courts for the games this season. With the temperatures running in the 40s on the night of our first game, the team members tried very hard to stay warm (we are from Florida remember)! We won the first set 21-15 and dominated again in the second set, winning 21-17. Samantha Sites led with some great serving and Ana Zegarra had a few nice dives!...
Wednesday, February 22, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4300)/Comments (0)/
Applebees Outing!

Applebees Outing!

Originally posted by Lisa K. Izzo

On February 15th, brothers and potential new members from the Cook Chapter gathered at a local Applebees to take advantage of the half-priced appetizer deal. This recruitment event is a favorite of chapter members, as it gives them a great chance to sit and talk with the potential new members. About 50 brothers and potential new members came out to enjoy a night of good food and good company.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3689)/Comments (0)/
Cook Chapter Mixer

Cook Chapter Mixer

Originally posted by Lisa K. Izzo

On February 8th, the brothers of the Cook Chapter hosted their once a semester mixer for potential new members. About 30 interested students showed up to the mixer. The night started out with the Censor and Sgt at Arms explaining the pledging process and talking about what Alpha Zeta stands for and what we do at Rutgers. The new members then got to mingle with all of the brothers, first by taking part in a "brother scavenger hunt", and then by breaking into groups and playing ice breaker type games. All of the brothers enjoyed meeting the potential new members.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3831)/Comments (0)/
Grilled Cheeses for Diseases

Grilled Cheeses for Diseases

Originally posted by Katilyn D. Stevens

This project involved making and selling grilled cheese sandwiches to students. All funds raised, approximately $400, were donated to the Lukemia & Lymphoma Society. This project was completed in conjunction with FarmHouse Fraternity - Alpha Tau Zeta chapter at Ohio State as they provided the facilities to cook and we provided the necessary supplies (bread, butter, cheese). This is one of many philanthropy events our chapter completes each year. It helps to raise awareness for lukemia and lymphoma as well as helping efforts to find a cure...
Tuesday, February 21, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4770)/Comments (0)/

AZP Recruitment Ice Cream Social / Meeting

Originally posted by Katilyn D. Stevens

Our third recruitment event was an information session in conjunction with a meeting. We ordered pizza and also had the rest of the ice cream and toppings from the previous recruitment sessions. I gave a PowerPoint presentation before the meeting and opened the floor to questions from the prospective members. This was a really great event because there was a large group of current members there to socialize with the prospectives. After the presentation and eating, we continued with our regularly scheduled meeting so they could see what a typical week in AZP would be like -- planning community service events, reviewing socials, and brainstorming for fundraisers...
Tuesday, February 21, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4086)/Comments (0)/

AZP Recruitment Ice Cream Social~2

Originally posted by Katilyn D. Stevens

This was our second ice cream social for new member recruitment. It took place in a meeting room in the Recreation and Physical Activity Center, a more central location for prospective members living in other areas on campus. We gave our presentation about Alpha Zeta Parnters and then opened the floor to questions so the students could express their thoughts to us and in turn, we could share our wonderful AZP experiences. The ice cream was great, and created a fun atmosphere for the event! We used the same supplies from the previous ice cream social, and OSU provided the technical support necessary for the presentation. This event was held on January 18, 2012.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4684)/Comments (0)/

AZP Recruitment Ice Cream Social

Originally posted by Katilyn D. Stevens

Our chapter began the recruiting season, on January 17, 2012, with and ice cream social at OSU's agricultural living-learning community, Norton House. Here, around 15 prospective members gathered with 5 current AZP members to eat some ice cream and learn about our great honorary. Prospective students were invited to join over winter break; we sent letters to their parents and a copy of all the information was sent via email to the students in an effort to be more environmentally friendly, rather than sending the normal two hard copies. To prepare for the event, a new PowerPoint was created to urge these students to join AZP. We purchased ice cream and toppings, and they were a hit with our prospective members! After the presentation, we held a question-answer session with the panel of current members that attended. The event was a great success!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4332)/Comments (0)/
UF Intramural Beach Volleyball Game 2/19/12

UF Intramural Beach Volleyball Game 2/19/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Florida Chapter had its second intramural sand volleyball game on Sunday. Although we would love to be out in the sunshine our time slot is at 7 PM. The members who showed up to play that night and were met by an impressive team that had played together since high school. Unfortunately, we had our first loss, but members showed great improvement upon the first game and are definitely looking forward to successive games. As for the game itself a few of our members served aces adding to our score!...
Sunday, February 19, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4175)/Comments (0)/

AZ Ice Cream Social

Originally posted by Sean K. Ryan

Brothers and prospective new members enjoyed a a frozen treat at the Cook Campus Center on February 6th. With an assortment flavors and toppings, students were able to enjoy a much needed break before the upcoming midterms. At the same time, these potential members learned some valuable facts about Alpha Zeta as well as talked with many of the brothers.
Saturday, February 18, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3779)/Comments (0)/