Chapter Activity Reports

UF Intramural Beach Volleyball Game 2/26/12

UF Intramural Beach Volleyball Game 2/26/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Florida Chapter had its second to last intramural sand volleyball game on Sunday. The members who showed up to play that night and were met by a team with the same record as we did. Both teams warmed up and our team continued to show great improvements upon each successive time we play together and are definitely looking forward to the last game of the season. As for the game itself it was a rainy and cold night so the teams decided to call it a draw and go into their last game as 1-1-1. The team is looking forward to their next opponent Sketchville USA and hope it will be another good game ending with a win!
Monday, March 5, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4078)/Comments (0)/
UF Project Makeover Service 2/26/12

UF Project Makeover Service 2/26/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

Project makeover is a huge service project put on by students out of the University of Florida and founded by a UF student in 2008. The project was held at Chester Shell Elementary this year. The organization raised over $9,000 and used over 1,055 volunteers from UF students to community volunteers helping prune bushes, paint interactive murals, and overall beautify the school over a weekend...
Monday, March 5, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4385)/Comments (0)/
UF Woodser Social 2/24/12

UF Woodser Social 2/24/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

With all the smores fixings bought, the Florida Chapter was off to another successful woodser. Every semester we take a road trip to a local campsite in the middle of what seems to be nowhere for our Woodser. We reserved a campground at Kate's Fish Camp where the ranger came out and helped set up our bonfire to make delicious smores! Members gathered around the fire to share stories about their semester and to meet the newest pledges...
Monday, March 5, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4221)/Comments (0)/
Cook Intramural Soccer Team

Cook Intramural Soccer Team

Originally posted by Lisa K. Izzo

At the beginning of the spring semester, 15 brothers signed up to participate in the Rutgers Intramural Indoor Soccer League.The Alpha Zeta team plays once a week in the recreation center and competes against groups from all over campus. The members playing range from beginners to experienced players, but they all have a great time getting together each week for games.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4138)/Comments (0)/
Cook's Big Little Olympics

Cook's Big Little Olympics

Originally posted by Lisa K. Izzo

On February 26th, the Cook Chapter hosted the Big/Little Olympics for the semester. The theme was opposites, with each big little pair dressing up in opposite fashion. Some pairings included nerd and beauty queen, the 1% and the 99%, and Waldo and Wenda. Big little pairs played games like The Blob, Ninja, Heads vs Tails, Tanks and Dodgeball. The Olympics was a great chance for littles to bond with their bigs and for brothers to get to know the new pledge class a little better.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3981)/Comments (0)/
Cook's New Member Retreat

Cook's New Member Retreat

Originally posted by Lisa K. Izzo

On February 18th, the new member class of the Cook Chapter gathered with their Censor and Sgt at Arms for a retreat. The new members have just started their pledging process, so they spent time at the retreat playing games led by the members of Pledge Committee that helped them get to know each other. After the games, the members of Scholarship Committee discussed the requirements for the debate paper with the new members and answered any questions they had about topics, format or content.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3870)/Comments (0)/
Cook Chapter Installment Ritual One

Cook Chapter Installment Ritual One

Originally posted by Sean K. Ryan

On Friday, February 17th, the new members went through the first installment of their initiation. Taken to the Rutgers Gardens, the Tau class sat with anticipation and nervousness. They had no idea what events were going to transpire that night. All they knew was that they had to work in sync in order to get through it. Each class of active brothers, alumni, and Chair of the Advisory Committee, Dr. George Clark, had their own time to question the new members on the history and ideals of Alpha Zeta.  Throughout the night, the new members were taken from the group to be questioned by Dr. Clark as well as meet their Bigs. At the end of the night, the Tau class was welcomed by the brothers and given their pins. This signified the beginning of their eight week initiation into the Fraternity.
Saturday, February 25, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3738)/Comments (0)/
UF Ronald McDonald House Service 2/21/12 & 2/23/12

UF Ronald McDonald House Service 2/21/12 & 2/23/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

Members of the Florida Chapter took their lunch break to go join up with other organizations and sororities to help out at the local Ronald McDonald House in Gainesville. While at the house members help remove and replace box springs and mattresses in the house. The Ronald McDonald House provides temporary housing, basic amenities and support to families with critically ill children seeking treatment at area medical facilities. The program helps to stabilize situations for families and allow them to concentrate all of their time and energy on the treatment and recovery of their children. By just changing out their beds to something newer and more comfortable we may have just made their day a tad better!...
Thursday, February 23, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3998)/Comments (0)/
UF Archery Lesson by Orange and Blue Archery Club 2/19/12

UF Archery Lesson by Orange and Blue Archery Club 2/19/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Orange and Blue Archery Club hosted Alpha Zeta for an archery lesson before their club practice. A team member Lauren taught the group the proper techniques of how to hold a bow and the arrow and equipment for shooting arrows. There was a great turnout for Alpha Zeta and all of the members had a great time! After overcoming the difficulty of the wind, members were able to shoot at foam targets, and several members came close while others did in fact hit the bulls eye. Members were able to learn about the challenges of tournament play and the different types of bows and arrows required for the sport. It was a great experience to join up with another UF club and a fun day outdoors!
Thursday, February 23, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4501)/Comments (0)/
Cook Chapter Dinner with NJAES Associate Director

Cook Chapter Dinner with NJAES Associate Director

Originally posted by Lisa K. Izzo

On February 21st, the Cook Chapter hosted a dinner with Jack Rabin, the Associate Director and Director of Farm Programs for the NJ Agricultural Experiment Station. Professor Rabin, who teaches a course on sustainable agriculture for Rutgers Students, talked to the 15 chapter members that attended about the history of land grant colleges, the agricultural experiment stations, and the cooperative extension service. Members also had a discussion with Professor Rabin about sustainability in farming in New Jersey and throughout the world. The dinner was informative and enjoyable for all who attended.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3991)/Comments (0)/