Chapter Activity Reports

First Time On Service Spring Break Trip

After hearing so much positive feedback from the first service trip over spring break to the Florida Keys, I decided I absolutely had to go.  As each brother talked about the bonding moments, trash collecting, and rewarding service opportunities, I was more and more determined to get my intent in as soon as possible to hold a spot. 

The Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta has welcomed me into its brotherhood, and I am so grateful to have made many close friends.  I was excited to travel to Key West during my spring break for the first time.  I had never been to the Florida Keys but that destination has been on my bucket list for quite some time.  And what made the trip mean even more was that I was going to make a difference in the environment.  I had heard quite a bit about the amount of plastics that wash up on shore and was ready to tackle the problem.

Because I had heard so much about this trip, I had several expectations.  These included working hard days in the sun picking up plastics among other garbage, lathering on sun screen so my pale skin would not burn, and of course enjoying the time spent with my brothers.  

After experiencing the week long trip, I can say that my expectations were met and far exceeded anything I had thought before.  I was engrossed by the task of picking up literally a ton of trash the three days we performed service for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.  I had heard about the amount of plastics that wash ashore, but actually picking up bottles and trap line made it that much more real.  I am proud to say that I did not get sunburned the entire week and even managed to tan a bit.  But, I think my last expectation was totally blown out of the water.  My brothers are truly caring, sincere, and fun-loving people.  I enjoyed each moment spent with them and learned so much about their lives!

I spent my spring break for the first time performing service with my brothers.  I made memories that I will keep forever.  I hope to spend my spring break in the same fashion next year as well.  And I am proud to say that I am a brother of the Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5282)/Comments (0)/