Chapter Activity Reports

Coffee and Conversations Breakfast 3

Coffee and Conversations Breakfast 3


Our chapter has partnered with Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers (OCWGA) to host monthly breakfasts during spring semester over different topics that our students have choosen and learned about while on their 6 week study abroad to Brazil. March's breakfast was focused on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Staff from OCWGA and industry experts on the subject joined members over coffee and breakfast to learn more about GMOs and how to handle the conversaiton with a peer who isn't knowledgable on the subject. The chapter heard from Allyson Perry with the Center for Food Integrity who gave a presentation and provided activities to stimulate conversation between experts and students and plans to practice the conversation.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (10282)/Comments (0)/
Alpha Zeta Participates in BuckeyeThon!

Alpha Zeta Participates in BuckeyeThon!

Four members of the Townshend Chapter at The Ohio State University participated in Ohio State's annual dance marathon, BuckeyeThon.  BuckeyeThon is a 24 hour dance marathon divided into two 12 hour shifts that raises money for the Children's Miracle Network.  BuckeyeThon is also the largest student-run philantrophy at Ohio State and raises money for Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio throughout the year through a variety of events.  This year BuckeyeThon dancers raised over $1,231,290.00.  Alpha Zeta members were just four of the hundreds of dancers that never sat down during a 12 hour shift.  They danced the night away for the kids.     

Monday, March 2, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (10594)/Comments (0)/

Ohio Corn and Wheat Seminar I

Ohio Corn and Wheat has come to us looking for ways for them to get more invloved with our chapter and all that we do. For our first year members, they gave them each a $1,000.00 scholarship to help with expenses towards their Brazil study abroad trip. For our second and third year members we have set up four seminars that take place the first Tuesday each month for a breakfast. Topics were chosen by the members and each relate to things going on in agriclture today. For this first seminar it was a way that students could meet, talk and learn more about Ohio Corn and Wheat and what they do.

Monday, March 2, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (10097)/Comments (0)/

Recruitment Time!

The RPAC and Norton House

In order to promote the organization that is Alpha Zeta, the Townshend Chapter held two recruitment events at the RPAC and Norton House dormitory.  Overall, seven of our Chapter members facilitated an info-session type of meeting for prospective students interested in joining the Alpha Zeta Honorary.  Eight possible recruits came out and were excited to hear what every one of us had to say about the organization. We explained what Alpha Zeta Partners is and what all it entails (the leadership seminars, the study abroad to Brazil, and how we have personally grown from the experience). We provided the prospective students with video on Class '15 during their stay in Brazil and then answered questions.  The purpose of the event was to answer questions regarding to the honorary fraternity, to clarify how the study abroad incorporates into one's college curriculum, and to explain the beginning stages of the application process so as to recruit new members for Class '17. 

Monday, February 9, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4886)/Comments (0)/

Coffee and Conversations Breakfast

Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association

This breakfast was the second in a series of conversations the Townshend Chapter at The Ohio State University is having with the Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association (OCWGA).  The theme of the breakfast conversation was ethanol production.  A chemist from Illinois began by sharing some information regarding ethanol in the USA, and ethanol on an international scale. Club members then conversed at tables with representatives from OCWGA, and the ethanol industry in order to ask questions about ethanol production.  This benefitted the students of our chapter by allowing them to reengage in themes from the Brazil trip, and make contacts with agricultural professionals in Ohio.  The OCWGA benefitted by working with a young group of people, who may be future coworkers in the industry.  The chapter participated in order to have an event for juniors and seniors in the club.  We want an activity that keeps people motivated in the club, and believe the breakfast conversations offer an outlet for learning and engagement.  In order for this event to be successful several members of the club acted as representatives to brainstorm a potential activity.  Once the breakfast was chosen, three members have worked with OCWGA to give feedback, and set dates for the event.  The OCWGA has taken care of the rest of the planning.

Friday, February 6, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4971)/Comments (0)/