Chapter Activity Reports

PR Chapter Ginger pick up

PR Chapter Ginger pick up

In preparation for the annual agricultural fair of our university “Cinco Días Con Nuestra Tierra” (Five days with our land”, Alpha Zeta picked ginger in Dr. Custodio’s house in Mayaguez on Sunday, March 15th from 8:30 to about 2:00 pm. Three members participated. They extracted the ginger, cleaned it and packed it to sell at the fair.

Monday, March 16, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5708)/Comments (0)/
PR Chapter Community Service

PR Chapter Community Service

On Saturday, March 7th Alpha Zeta visited Finca La Perla in Mayaguez from 8:30 to 3:30.  Five members participated in the activity. First of all, we discussed with the owner, Luis Curvero, some of the present challenges the agriculture in Puerto Rico is facing and some basic information about the industry of the coffee in Puerto Rico. We shared a light breakfast for those who had not had any and proceeded to a tour of the property. Luis Curvero has many small crops in his property, including ginger, “pana” (Artocarpus altilis), “chironja” (orangelo) and cacao. The main crop of the farm is coffee, though there was not any to pick. After the tour, we helped pick cacao in many different spots. We were able to fill three sacks with cacao, and afterward opened them and put the seeds with the pulp in water. Afterward, we enjoyed a light lunch provided by the owner of the farm and then proceeded to participate in the process of grinding and packing coffee. Then, we were given a taste of the coffee produced at the farm and picked bananas, “chironjas”  and “panas” to take home with us.
Monday, March 16, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (6363)/Comments (0)/
PR Chapter- Welcome back from the Holidays

PR Chapter- Welcome back from the Holidays

As our first confraternization of the year, we went to the movie theater, expecting to enjoy a nice movie and lively company.
Friday, February 27, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5470)/Comments (0)/

AZ Puerto Rico Chapter Fundraising

We had our first fundraising of the year, a hot dog sale.
Friday, February 20, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (6281)/Comments (1)/
PR Chapter Initiation of New Members

PR Chapter Initiation of New Members

On December 1st, after the period of the pledge process, finally the pledges were initiated to the fraternity. The activity was carried out on the Salón Tarzan on the UPR-Mayaguez Campus from 7:00 pm onward. We enjoyed delicious food, traditional to the upcoming Christmas in Puerto Rico. The directive and guests gave beautiful speeches and presented our new brothers and sisters. Afterwards, the pledges went through the initiation ceremony and officially became our new members.

Sunday, December 21, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4483)/Comments (0)/

PR Chapter Fraternization at the Movie Theater

Alpha Zeta visited the movie theater in Western Plaza in Mayaguez on November 24th at 9:15 pm to watch The Mockingjay. Both current members and pledges assisted to the event and enjoyed the film. We experienced the highs and lows of the movie together, some members more than others, and also heard the comments of nonfans that assisted merely to fraternize. The nonfans thought, for some reason, that the whole movie was to happen up on a three, while there was a member that kept making faces at certain new characters in the sequel, though she would not explain why. All in all, e had a pleasant time and after watching the movie, we conversed about anything and everything late into the night.

Sunday, December 21, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4603)/Comments (0)/

Alpha Zeta HS Student Investigation Community Service

A High School Student, Naomy Candelaria required subjects with experience in developing a garden and subjects without experience in developing a garden for her investigation of Puerto Rico Zero Waste Management. As agricultural students, Alpha Zeta members have experience in developing a  garden, and so some members volunteered to be such subjects. Naomy required us to give her our recycling material for a total of three weeks, once after a week of recycling and another time after two weeks of recycling. Afterwards, we were required to answer two different surveys via internet. On November 10th, we handed over our first bags of recycling and on November 25th we handed over our second bags of recycling. At about the same time, we answered the surveys that were sent through e-mail and finished our parts. Naomy’s investigation was completed successfully. She was even published in the newspaper El Nuevo Día.

Sunday, December 21, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4331)/Comments (0)/
PR Chapter Zoo Community Service

PR Chapter Zoo Community Service

We visited the zoo and helped out with different chores.
Sunday, December 21, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4959)/Comments (0)/