Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter Fall Initiation

Florida Chapter Fall Initiation

Angely S. Jimenez

On November 17th, the Florida Chapter had the pleasure of welcoming 18 new brothers to our Fraternity! After a grueling 7 week process, the 18 pledges completed all of their requirements and were initiated. 

The evening started off with the initiation ceremony, followed by a buffet style dinner and Dr. Charles Guy's presentation on plants and human health, and concluded with the pledge class Chronicler's video presentation and awards. In attendance were the faculty sponsors, the newly initiated pledges, and fraternity brothers.

Three awards were given out: Best Paddle, Most Outstanding Pledge, and Most Outstanding PC officers. Congratulations to Stephen, Brittney, and Maya respectively for your achievements, and a big welcome to our new Brothers! We can't wait for next semester!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5093)/Comments (0)/
Columbus Zoo Lights

Columbus Zoo Lights

Originally Posted By Jared M. Ashworth

To celebrate the end of the Fall semester and also Christmas time, the Townshend chapter of Alpha Zeta went to visit the Columbus Zoo Christmas Lights.  The event was planned by our special programs/social committee as a way for the members to get to know each other better.  The members that were able to attend car-pooled over, got to enjoy the light show and also see some of the animals.  The weather was great and our members made some great memories together.  
Tuesday, December 9, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5030)/Comments (0)/
Cardboard City - Buckeyes Against Hunger

Cardboard City - Buckeyes Against Hunger

Originally Posted By Jared M. Ashworth

AZP members participated in an event run by Buckeyes against Hunger, an OSU student group that raises awareness about homelessness and also raises money for the MidOhio Food Bank. The event, called Cardboard City, gave our members insight into what it would be like to be homeless by requiring them to make a shelter out of a box and sleep outside in it.  The night also consisted of activities to learn the facts about homelessness and also hear from a representative of a local shelter.   This was a great experience for our members and allowed them to learn about ways they could volunteer in the Columbus community.  Our AZP members personally raised $250 for the MidOhio Food Bank and would like to contribute more by doing more activities in the future.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4829)/Comments (0)/
NC Operation Christmas Child

NC Operation Christmas Child

Originally Posted By Jamie L. DeRose

Every December, the NC Chapter participates in a service project called Operation Christmas Child, which is sponsored by the Samaritan’s Purse.  Everyone that participates donates a shoe box filled with goodies that is sent to needy children overseas. Things in the box may include toys, school supplies, hygiene items, or accessories.   For some of these children, this box may be the only gift they receive on Christmas.  Some of us choose to include a note to the child, a picture, and our address, in hopes that the child will be able to write back. 

This year, our Chapter donated a total of 21 shoeboxes for boys and girls of ages 5-14, and those boxes were dropped off at the First Reformed Church of Cary.  Operation Christmas Child is a very humbling and thoughtful experience that we enjoy doing every year.  Hopefully we make differences in the lives of the children around the world!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4905)/Comments (0)/
NC Chapter Adopt-A-Highway

NC Chapter Adopt-A-Highway

Originally Posted By Jamie L. DeRose

The NC Chapter is happy to have adopted a highway!  The Adopt-A-Highway Program was established in North Carolina in 1988 in response to public concern of litter along our highways.  The program seeks to reduce the amount of trash along the roads and to improve the environment.  Our highway is about 2 miles long in Apex, NC.  At the event, our Brothers helped clean up litter along the road, resulting in six trash bags full of litter and recyclables!  The Fraternity of Alpha Zeta now has its own sign near NC State’s campus, and we are proud to have our name out in the local community!
Tuesday, December 2, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5139)/Comments (0)/
Oklahoma State University Homecoming-"The Experience"

Oklahoma State University Homecoming-"The Experience"

Originally Posted By Amanda M. Geisinger

Oklahoma State University's Chapter of Alpha Zeta had an amazing time participating in this years Homecoming events at our University!!  As a group we participated in sign-making on Library Lawn, window painting for the College of Agriculture, collecting canned goods for those in need, a Chili Cook-off (We won 2nd place!!!), Harvest Carnival (an evening full of fun games for kids), and the annual Sea of Orange Parade. We made a lot of lifelong friends while having the opportunity to teach those attending the largest Homecoming in the nation about our organization and the importance of Agriculture!
Monday, December 1, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5091)/Comments (0)/
Virginia Tech Alpha Zeta- Harvest Havoc

Virginia Tech Alpha Zeta- Harvest Havoc

Originally Posted By Samantha N. Cubbage

New members of Virginia Tech Alpha Zeta competed in Harvest Havoc, held annually by Sigma Alpha and Alpha Gamma Rho. Members had fun competing in many agriculture based games, including hay bail stacking and cow milking. All proceeds were donated to Heifer International.
Monday, November 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5170)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Woodser

Florida Chapter Woodser

Originally Posted By Bailey C. Gamage

On November 7th the Florida Chapter went out of town to throw down in the woods!  Our Woodser this year was at a brother’s house in Alachua, Florida, so it was a little bit of a drive for most, but it was worth it for the good time.  We enjoyed homemade pulled pork, macaroni and cheese, green beans, and rolls. And of course when you have a big bonfire, s’mores are mandatory!  Brothers sat around the fire and enjoyed each other’s company in the presence of a full moon so bright, we couldn’t even see the stars. Woodser was paid for out of the budget this year with the only fee to brothers being a $3.00 reservation fee as to get a headcount.  All in all, it was an amazing night that allowed our close-knit family to grow that much closer!
Monday, November 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4765)/Comments (0)/
Holiday Mail for Heroes

Holiday Mail for Heroes

Originally Posted By Caitlin E. O'Connell

On November 18th, 2014 the Cal Epsilon chapter hosted our formal meeting of the month entitled, "Plate Up With a Professional". Our guest speaker for the night was established professional, Dr. Amanda McKeith who presented a stellar presentation upon furthering one's higher education through graduate studies. In support of our community service endeavors, it was asked that members bring holiday cards for a group signing event in regards to the Holiday Mail for Heroes campaign sponsored by the American Red Cross. We had 150 signed cards that will be sent out as part of the Holiday Mail for Heroes project. Way to go Cal Epsilon!
Wednesday, November 19, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5084)/Comments (0)/
Alpha Zeta Development Summit (AZDS) Cal Epsilon

Alpha Zeta Development Summit (AZDS) Cal Epsilon

Originally Posted By Caitlin E. O'Connell

On Saturday, November 15th, the Cal Epsilon chapter held our annual Alpha Zeta Development Summit. Our speakers consisted of Megan Jacobson who spoke about networking and personal branding, Elisa Valdez on entrepreneurship, Sadie Hemsath onthe role as an Alumni and Jeff Oliver address our fears and gave us some resume advice. We also had Dr. Sandra Witte facilitate a wonderful etiquette luncheon and ended the event with a professional headshot thanks to Beatriz Rodriguez. We were also fortunate and  thankful to have some of our Chico brothers join us!
Wednesday, November 19, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5251)/Comments (0)/