Chapter Activity Reports

Puerto Rico Trip

Puerto Rico Trip

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, March 30, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

For the last three years, the Puerto Rico Chapter of Alpha Zeta has hosted about a dozen students from across the country to participate in agricultural tours, service projects and leadership training. In those three years however, there has not been a Brother from the North Carolina Chapter participate. Lindsay M. Pitts (Fall ’09, Censor) was the first Brother of our to attend the event and from her experience, it will not be our last. The four-day event was held  Thursday,  January 20 – Sunday, January 23, 2011.

A word from Lindsay Pitts about her experience.

I truly enjoyed the experience with the Brothers of Alpha Zeta in Puerto Rico. It was an incredible opportunity to meet and bond with those from chapters across the country as well as Lauren Magnall from National. It was the first time I had ever been off the "mainland” of the US and learned at lot about myself as well as PR agriculture, people & traditions. We were able to go to the Skylight Cave, tour old San Juan & the Mayaguez campus and enjoy the food of Puerto Rico. We also completed service after our tour of Amarillo Ranch loading haybails for the ranch and then enjoyed a relaxing afternoon on the beach. My favorite part however had to be the tour of Casa Pueblo, the headquarters for the preservation of the forests in PR, and the tour of the coffee plantation afterwards. All in all, an incredible experience and I look forward to going back to visit one day!


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