Chapter Activity Reports

Cook Chapter Mixer

Cook Chapter Mixer

Originally posted by Selina A. Ruzi

Author: Alpha Zeta/Saturday, March 19, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On February 9th, 26 potential pledges and 54 brothers made there way to the 202s on the second floor of the Cook Campus Center for fun and games, and most importantly for the prospective pledge, mingling. The event was planned by Pledge Committee who set up a number of different games that would encourage this prospective Rho class to meet the current brothers that they would be joining at initiation. Some of the games included Find a Brother, which is sort of like a mini scavenger hunt where you have to find brothers of a certain major and so on, there was also Train-wreck in which the people who stand in the middle say something that they like and then whoever likes or fits that criteria has to run to a different seat. There was also Telephone Charades which give both brothers and pledges a good laugh. The event was extremely fun for everyone and turned out much better than in past semesters.

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