Chapter Activity Reports

Cook Chapter Slideshow

Cook Chapter Slideshow

Originally posted by Selina A. Ruzi

Author: Alpha Zeta/Saturday, March 19, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On February 9th, the Cook Chapter hosted a slideshow for the potential pledges to better get to know what Alpha Zeta is all about. There were a total of 26 prospective pledges that came out for the slideshow and of course our amazing e-board was there to present the slideshow. The event was held in the Cook Campus Center and after the potential pledges learned more about what our Chapter was all about they were invited to join the brothers at a mixer that was also held in the Cook Campus Center. This even was a very informative event and allowed for the pledges to get a better feel for whether or not they were really passionate about pledging Alpha Zeta and if they met the requirements for pledging. It was quite successful since we now have a potential pledge class of 22 amazing and dedicated pledges.

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