Chapter Activity Reports



Originally posted by Selina A. Ruzi

Author: Alpha Zeta/Saturday, March 19, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

From February 7th to February 9th, Pledge Committee chalked various areas on campus in order to raise awareness for our AZ Slideshow and Mixer that was to be held on February 9th. Pledge Committee consists of seven of the brothers who are dedicated to helping recruit new pledges, as well as planning various pledge events. The areas that were chalked were places where a large number of people would see. In order to chalk, Pledge Committee had to get permits approved for the various locations, which included outside the Cook Campus Center, Dining Hall, Hickman, and outside the Cook/ Douglas Recreation Center. Chalking proved to be very successful since there were numerous amazing potential pledges that showed up for our Cook Chapter Mixer.

We are sorry that the picture is blurry, it was the best that my phone could do.

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