Chapter Activity Reports

Puerto Rico Chapter Community Service

Puerto Rico Chapter Community Service

Originally Posted By Jaileen Rivera Montes De Oca

Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, October 19, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

For a month now, the Puerto Rico Chapter of Alpha Zeta has been giving a friendly hand to the Sociedad Americana del Cancer de Puerto Rico (American Society of Cancer in Puerto Rico)  by selling items in preparation for the march against breast cancer, as a fundraiser for patients and survivors of breast cancer. We have been selling T-shirts, caps, bracelets and pins in the shopping center Mayaguez Town during the Thursdays from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM. On Thursday 18th of September and October the 9th,  three members participated in the activity. On the 3rd of October, four members participated.  To the day we have been able to collect $358 in merchandise sold.

Keep up the fight against cancer!


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