Chapter Activity Reports

Recycling for You, your Community and Puerto Rico

Recycling for You, your Community and Puerto Rico

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, January 4, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

This activity was conducted by the Committee on Environment and Recycling of Alpha Zeta and a group of students enrolled in the course INTD (University Institute for Community Development), which is a course in community work. This course is based on work in a community during the semester helping community leaders to community development. Performing tasks such  as community gardens, home maintenance, tutoring, etc. This group is working to develop a curbside recycling system in the Terrace community. As part of this objective is to educate the community about the recycling process which on Tuesday November 23, 2010 was a talk guidance on the steps of ballpark Terrace community. Members of the fraternity as Maria I. Rosario, Maria A. Rosario and Andres Velazquez contributed to the development of the activity. It is a community service activity and awareness towards environmental care.

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