Chapter Activity Reports

Soldier Box Service

Soldier Box Service

Originally posted by Ashleigh Woodruff

Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, December 12, 2010/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

For 12-02-10, this service project was planned in order to collect items for care packages and pack the boxes that we have sent to soldiers over seas. Our service chair, Kaitlyn Summerfield, planned this event. Planning included setting a convenient time and place to meet, setting requirements for what could be donated as far as gifts and money to help ship the boxes, and then being in charge of actually shipping the boxes. Our chapter benefited by being a part of supporting our troops and seeing how our efforts directly impact their lives. Instead of donating to another organization, we experience for ourselves the love and support that goes in to the donations and the boxes. The recipients of our boxes are benefited as well by getting necessary supplies and knowing people back home are still thinking about and concerned for them.

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