Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter Rush Week

Florida Chapter Rush Week

Originally Posted By Angely S. Jimenez

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, October 15, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The Florida Chapter held Rush Week from 9/15 to 9/18. The week kicked off with an info session on Monday evening, followed by a tabling event Tuesday at CALS Kick-Off,  sand volleyball on Wednesday, and then game night Thursday. The events were very successful, and it was a great opportunity for prospective pledges and current Brothers to interact and get to know one another.  Game night was especially fun, because we all got to sit around and talk to each other, and laugh while we played Uno and Guitar Hero. 

The week ended with 2 days of interviews on Friday and Saturday, and we now have 18 amazing pledges! I'm so thrilled with the diversity and leadership among the pledges, and I know they will have an amazing pledging semester!

-Angely Jimenez

-Pledge Master


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