Chapter Activity Reports

Oakwood Cemetery Lantern Walk

Oakwood Cemetery Lantern Walk

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

Author: Alpha Zeta/Thursday, November 11, 2010/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On the last Saturday night of October, which happened to be Halloween this year, the Historic Oakwood Cemetery in downtown Raleigh calls on the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta to help set up for their annual Lantern Walk through the two and one-half acres of the Confederate Cemetery. This year we had five brothers help on Oct 31st at 8:30am.  Luminaries are set up along a path throughout the cemetery. During this set up, we are also given a history of flags and of the cemetery. That night, throughout the cemetery, skits and re-enactments of life during the civil war are performed. This event is open to everyone, and all proceeds go to restoration of the cemetery. This year we made the luminaries from two liter bottles, filled them with sand and candles, and laid them out to mark the path that visitors walk during the Lantern Tour. We also returned that evening to be a part of the event. This is simply one way for us to maintain our relationship with this organization as well as giving back to the community. Southern agriculture significantly contributed to the Confederate war effort and also sustained damage during the war. By volunteering at the cemetery we are paying our tribute to the soldiers that lost their lives in the name of Southern tradition and agriculture.

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