Chapter Activity Reports

Rountable Interviews

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

Author: Alpha Zeta/Thursday, November 11, 2010/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Roundtable interviews are held the Sunday after our Rush events at 12:30am on Sept. 12th in our chapter meeting room. This interview is the next step in the North Carolina Chapter's recruitment process for new brothers. Everyone who attended Rush events, or students who contacted the Censor that couldn’t attend because of acceptable excuses, were invited to come to Roundtable on Sunday afternoon for an interview. The applicants proceeded to sign up for an interview time. One-by-one the students were interviewed in front of the entire brotherhood. They were first asked to talk about the pillar of AZ they find the most important. We then ask them questions to learn about their interests as well as why they want to join our Fraternity. After they leave, we discuss positive and negative aspects of each applicant and vote on their admission into the Fraternity. Eighty Five percent of the brotherhood must vote yes for them to be extended a bid. If we vote yes, the Censor will call them later in the day to extend a "bid". The Censor informs the new candidates about the time commitments required for New Member Education Week to make sure they still want to join. We had 25 applicants interview, and all but 2 were extended a bid. One applicant deferred their bid till next semester. We ended up with 16 candidates for New Member Education Week

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