Chapter Activity Reports

International Coastal Cleanup

International Coastal Cleanup

Originally posted by Lorna A. Andujar

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, October 27, 2010/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On Saturday, September 25, a group of about 10 members said yes to their commitment to the environment and moved to the town of Aguada to join another volunteer group in the International Costal Cleanup at El Espinal beach. The activity was lead by captain Milton Colon and took place from 8:00am until 12:00pm.  All members were divided into groups to work with other members of the community.  Each group wrote down data of all the rubbish that was collected and handed it to the captain at the end of the activity.  Our work consisted of separating the recyclables and other vegetative material waste and identifying and quantifying each object found.

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