Chapter Activity Reports

Trick or Treat for the Troops

Trick or Treat for the Troops

Originally posted by Ashleigh Woodruff

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, October 26, 2010/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The UF chapter of AZ teamed up with the Family, Youth, and Community Services (FYCS) Club to collect donations to send to troops that are UF Alumn/Gator fans! We collected "Gator Gear" (UF apparel) and hygiene products to send in care packages. This benefits those participating by knowing we helped our military. Those receiving the care packages are benefiting by the hygiene products, being able to support the Gator Nation amongst fans of our SEC rivals, and by knowing they are supported back home by their fellow Gators. While our Service Chair is Kaitlyn Summerfield, one of our Ag. Council Representatives, Chelsea Pesta, volunteered to meet up with anyone with donations until October 22nd and take the donations to the drop-off box for the FYCS Club. Of the 17 students that participated, 10 were pledges and 7 were current members!

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