Chapter Activity Reports

Information Sessions

Information Sessions

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

Author: Alpha Zeta/Friday, September 10, 2010/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

September 7-9, the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta held our information session for our prospective new members.  Each of our committee members spoke about the activities they had planned for the semester and a powerpoint was presented as well. 

On September 7th, we had 14 prospective members come out, 24 brothers, and 4 alumni.  We served baked zitti that was made by one of our past censor's with a cost of $55. 

On September 8th, we had 15 prospective members, 30 brothers, and 5 alumni in attendance.  Each of the brothers brought a dish for our potluck.  We had a lot of great food that night. 

On September 9th, we had 17 prospective members, 26 brothers, and 3 alumni in attendance.  Domino's donated pizza for us that night.  Drinks, cups, and plates for the duration of the information sessions costs us roughly 25 dollars.

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