Chapter Activity Reports

Puerto Rico Chapter: International Shoreline Clean Up 2014

Puerto Rico Chapter: International Shoreline Clean Up 2014

Author: Alpha Zeta/Monday, September 22, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Puerto Rico Chapter’s participated in the International Shoreline Clean Up 2014, helping along with many other volunteers from Scuba Dogs and Campus Verde, to clean and count the trash lining the Jobos Beach in Isabela. Seven members of the Chapter participated in this national cleaning on Saturday, September 20, 2014 from 7:30a.m. to 12:00m.  We were able to collect around 90 pounds of trash plus three tires, from cars and bicycles. However, life can’t be all work and no play, so after reporting to Scuba Dogs, the members of Puerto Rico’s Chapter went exploring the oceanfront view.  Though rain cut our exploration short, we moved on to fraternized and eat at Pasatiempos in Moca, enjoying good food, different anecdotes and opinions and views on multiple subjects.

Originally posted by Jaileen Rivera Montes De Oca


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