Chapter Activity Reports

United Cerebral Palsy Christmas Party Volunteers

United Cerebral Palsy Christmas Party Volunteers

Originally Posted By Beatriz Rodriguez-Rivera

Author: Alpha Zeta/Saturday, February 8, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On December 20th 2014, Alpha Zeta - Cal Epsilon members took the time to volunteer at the United Cerebral Palsy Center, FresnoThe chapter donated over twenty Santa hats to the center for their annual Christmas party. Members of the Cal Epsilon chapter also brought baked goods in which the students were permitted to decorate to their digression at snack time. The chapter helped the students decorate the donated items, adorn them with their own holiday themed hat, and partake in the joyous festivities of the Christmas party. Cal Epsilon thoroughly enjoys routinely volunteering at the UCP Center. Nice work Cal Epsilon! 

The United Cerebral Palsy Center Fresno is dedicated to improving the quality of life for adults and children with a spectrum of disabilities including cerebral palsy, autism, down syndrome and traumatic brain injury.



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