Chapter Activity Reports

Visit to the Fulper Family Farmstead

Visit to the Fulper Family Farmstead

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

Author: Alpha Zeta/Thursday, February 27, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On November 13th, a few members of the Cook AZ chapter visited Fulper Family Farmstead in Lambertville, NJ. The Fulper Farm is a family owned and operated dairy farm that still uses most of their original farm equipment. It’s a relatively small function, so we talked a lot about being able to keep up with larger commercial dairies. Fulper uses other aspects of the business such as cheese making and tourism to make up for not being as large as other dairies. Another interesting thing we learned about was the impact of farming on the environment. Fulper Farms is recognized for having no run off from their manure and other waste products, so they taught us about the importance of good waste management.  


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