Chapter Activity Reports

Elevator Speeches and Interview Preparation

Elevator Speeches and Interview Preparation

Originally Posted By Christine M. Adams

Author: Alpha Zeta/Saturday, March 8, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

At our last meeting, members of the Florida Chapter learned innovative ways to present themselves while networking and interviewing! The presenter, Milton Newberry, is a current Ph.D. candidate and Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Florida. He is well-known to many AZ members who have take AEC3030- Effective Oral Communication, a course required by UF's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. 

Part of the presentation was about "elevator speeches:" a concise, straightforward method to sell yourself to a potential employer during their true attention span: 30 seconds to 1 minute. As a follow-up, Mr. Newberry went over techniques to ace interviews, such as how to prepare weeks, days, hours, and even minutes beforehand. He stressed to know the company/school, bring questions, and always follow-up with a thank you letter! 

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