Chapter Activity Reports

Florida's Key West Service Trip: Woman Key Clean-up

Florida's Key West Service Trip: Woman Key Clean-up

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, March 19, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Alex S., a current pledge in the Florida Chapter, recounts a day of cleaning Woman Key during our recent Service Trip to Key West:

On our third day of service in Key West, we boated out to the island Woman Key to do a beach clean up. Woman Key is a nature preserve owned by the Key West National Wildlife Refuge and is closed to the public for wildlife habitat protection. As a result, all the marine debris that was found and collected on the island had been washed up from the ocean. We collected trash that could potentially cause entanglement, or that could brake down in smaller pieces and potentially be confused as food to marine animals, such as plastic and styrofoam. During out beach clean up we recovered copious amounts of plastic bottles, plastic bins, hundreds of pounds of trap line, and even a large 18-wheeler tire! At the end of the day we collected over 500 pounds of garbage." - Alex S.

Originally posted by Carolyn A. Huntley


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