Chapter Activity Reports

North Carolina Chapter’s Officers Go on a Retreat

North Carolina Chapter’s Officers Go on a Retreat

Author: Mikayla Graham/Thursday, August 23, 2018/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Chapter Development, Fellowship, North Carolina

On the weekend of August 17th-19th, the officers of the North Carolina Chapter traveled to Morehead City for a retreat. Here, they conducted many team building activities that lead to learning about the strengths and weaknesses of each other. This will increase their productivity for their term as officers, which allows for the betterment of the Chapter and everything it does to advocate for agriculture. The officers also conducted a business meeting and discussed everything that needed to be done in preparation for this year. Now that all affairs are in order and the school year has started, they are ready for what is to come. 

We wish everyone a good luck for their oncoming year!


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