Chapter Activity Reports

Virginia Chapter Participates in Virginia Tech's Big Event

Virginia Chapter Participates in Virginia Tech's Big Event

Author: Hannah Haines/Monday, April 9, 2018/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Service to Community, Fellowship, Virginia

The Big Event was started in 2002 by students at Virginia Tech as a widespread community service event. It is currently the second largest event of its kind in the U.S.. The Virginia Chapter volunteered together to serve their community and celebrate a big part of what makes the school the one we know and love, the community. 1,174 service projects were completed by 8,223 students, staff, and faculty members during a three hour period in Blacksburg and the surrounding area. Residents of the surrounding area make a request for a project each year and organizers of the event attempt to fit everyone with a team to fulfill their needs. No resident is denied service based on socioeconomic status as the service is completely free - The Big Event even supplies each team with tools they may need to complete their project! The Virginia Chapter was able to help a local resident with yard work the day before her 80th birthday! We spent two and a half hours cleaning up the outside of her home and the surrounding gardens to prep for the coming warmth. Our tasks included cleaning the windows, trimming bushes and ivy, raking, relocating bushes, planting small shrubs, and picking up sticks throughout the garden and outer portions of the yard. It was a great experience for all involved and we were delighted to be able to help out an individual in our community! 


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