Chapter Activity Reports

Cal Epsilon Alumni Highlight - Meet Victor Evans!

Cal Epsilon Alumni Highlight - Meet Victor Evans!

Author: Alexis Ford/Friday, March 30, 2018/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Alumni Relations, Cal Epsilon (Fresno), Featured Alumni, Chapter Spotlight, Chapter News

What made you join Alpha Zeta? Are you from the Central Valley? Have you always had a passion for agriculture? 

Evans: "In all honesty, I did not plan to join Alpha Zeta. I had the grades to join and was highly involved with the agriculture program at Fresno State which is why I received an invitation to a meeting. I was about to decline but was convinced to attend by another Agricultural Education student. After attending my first Alpha Zeta meeting and realizing what an amazing club and opportunity it was, I was hooked and did not miss a single meeting and was a very active member for the rest of my time at Fresno State.

I am from the Central Valley, I grew up in Easton, California. I attended Washington Union High School, graduated in 2010, then attended Reedley College. Afterward, I transferred to Fresno State and obtained my bachelor’s degree and teaching credential.

Yes, I have always had a passion for agriculture. Much of it stems from my older brother (by 10 years). He would attend FFA events and bring me along with him as well as have me help him take care of his Ag projects, Seeing him in his FFA uniform working with animals and equipment completely fascinated me and I promised myself that I would do that one day. When I reached high school, it was my brother that made sure that I was in agriculture classes. Once I was in there, my passion for agriculture truly took off. In addition, my family also had a small walnut and vineyard operation. These two factors, combined with a passion for learning led me into many different areas of agriculture if for nothing more than to just learn something new about agriculture."

Since graduation, what have you been up to? Do you have a small business? Are you working for a Valley business or corporation? Etc.

Evans: "Since graduation (2015), I have received my teaching credential and have been teaching in a school in Northern California named Elsie Allen High School, teaching Agriculture Mechanics. After completing two years at Elsie Allen, I decided to return to the Central Valley to be closer to my family, but I will still be a high school teacher, teaching Agriculture in Fowler, California."

What is your advice to students approaching graduation? How can they prepare for life outside of college?

Evans: "Biggest pieces of advice that I can give is to:

-1; Budget yourself like you are still in college, even though you might be getting a bigger paycheck you still need to be conservative for a few years to develop a good financial base.

-2; Keep the connections that you made, don't get so busy in life that you forget the people that helped you survive college. Unlike high school, many of these friendships can last a lifetime and these friends will still back you up when needed. When I had to be evacuated from my home in Northern California due to the wildfires, it was my family and the friendships I made in college that stepped up to the plate and helped to get me, and the community I was living in, through the fires and back on our feet.

-3; Don't lose the passion for learning. That is why you are where you are because you wanted to learn and be involved. There is always something else to learn, and there is always something you can leave for those who come after you.

-4; Don't be afraid to reach out and stay connected with your professors, you will always be their student and they will not hesitate to still guide you if needed."

What are some of the things you learned or gained in Alpha Zeta that helped you make it to where you are today?

Evans: "Don't be afraid to try something new/different especially if you might better yourself because of it, and never miss an opportunity to have an adventure with the people you care about, even if it means you have to wear a pair of slacks." 



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Thank you for your time, Victor! We loved hearing how Alpha Zeta helped you get where you are today. We can't wait to see what you will do next. 

Stay tuned for more alumni highlights.


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