Chapter Activity Reports

Cal Epsilon Alumni Highlight - Meet Hannah Bianchi!

Cal Epsilon Alumni Highlight - Meet Hannah Bianchi!

Author: Alexis Ford/Tuesday, March 6, 2018/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Promotion of Agriculture, Alumni Relations, Cal Epsilon (Fresno), Featured Alumni, Chapter Spotlight

Tell us about yourself. What made you join Alpha Zeta? Are you from the Central Valley? Have you always had a passion for agriculture?

Bianchi: “I am originally from Hollister, California where I grew up surrounded by agriculture. Throughout my formative years, I raised swine, goats, and beef cattle. I showed cattle with my family all over the west coast and at several major national shows. After graduating from San Benito High school where I was very active in the FFA I headed to Fresno State. During my freshmen year, I met several active Alpha Zeta members through my involvement in the FFA Field Day and FFA State Conference Committees. When I received the invitation to join it only seemed natural and allowed me to get to know other agricultural students better and become more involved in pursuits outside the classroom.”

Since graduation, what have you been up to?

Bianchi: “Since graduation, I have been continuing my journey with Fresno State through the credential program. I am currently in my final phase of the program and serving as a student teacher at Hilmar High School. My time and experience at Hilmar will prepare me for my future career in agricultural education.”

What is your advice to students approaching graduation? How can they prepare for life outside of college?

Bianchi: “The best advice I can give to anyone approaching graduation is to develop the soft skills employers are looking for. As a future educator I have met with several advisory committees and continuously hear about their desire for employees with basic soft skills. Learning how to make eye contact, give a firm handshake, show up on time and stay off your cell phone are becoming key employability skills. Do not underestimate the power of these simple skills, they will serve you well in the future.”

What are some of the things you learned or gained in Alpha Zeta that helped you make it to where you are today?

Bianchi: “My time in Alpha Zeta allowed me to further my versatility. I learned to work with a wide variety of individuals in a myriad of roles during my time with the brotherhood and they have served me well since graduation.”


We loved hearing how Alpha Zeta helped Hannah Bianchi get where she is today! Thank you for your time, Hannah. We can’t wait to see what you will do next.

Stay tuned for more alumni highlights!


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