Chapter Activity Reports

Faculty Wine and Cheese Event at AZ Cornell

Author: Stephanie Bishop/Sunday, October 29, 2017/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Activity Type:, Alumni Relations, Chapter Development, Chapter Name:, Cornell

On Wednesday April 26th, 2017, the Cornell Chapter of Alpha Zeta hosted their annual spring Faculty Wine and Cheese event.  This event has become a biannual tradition for the house-  once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester actives spend an evening meeting and networking with Cornell Faculty and AZ Alumni in order to create new professional connections and learn about new opportunities to get involved on campus or find internships!

We hosted over a dozen alumni and faculty with interests ranging from dairy cattle reproduction, to poultry, to fruit crop production, education and extension.  Overall it was a good crowd with opportunities and talking points for our diverse student body here at AZ Cornell.


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