Chapter Activity Reports

North Carolina Chapter works on the Agroecology Farm!

North Carolina Chapter works on the Agroecology Farm!

Author: Ashlyn Britt/Tuesday, October 24, 2017/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Promotion of Agriculture, Service to Community, Fellowship, North Carolina

On Saturday morning, October 21st, four Alpha Zeta brothers went out to the Agroecology Farm to help out in any way they could. The Agroecology farm promotes sustainable practices on their organic produce farm. Most of the food produced on this farm is sold to the NC State Dining Halls. These brothers pulled over 150 T-posts from the ground and also cleaned up twine from a tomato plot. The work they did on the farm will allow plant residues to be tilled under and also for a winter cover crop to be planted. The brothers were able to fellowship as they worked alongside each other. 


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