Chapter Activity Reports

Cornell Chapter 2017 Elections

Cornell Chapter 2017 Elections

Author: Lauren Fessler/Tuesday, March 7, 2017/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Chapter Development, Cornell

In our last meeting of the semester, elections were held for the 2017 officers of the Cornell Chapter.  The hard work of past E-board members was recognized as they passed their roles and responsibilities onto their successors.  The newly elected officers on the 2017 Executive Board are Chancellor George Stack '19, Censor Collin Dillingham '18, Scribe Stephanie Bishop '19, Treasurer Bo Yang '18, Chronicler Emily Green '18, House Manager Carter Collins '19, and Alanna Staffin '19.  We also elected a new pair of new member educators in Cassidy Fletcher '17 and Anthony Arce '18.  Additionally, Greg Zimmerman '18 was voted to be our new recruitment chair.  Already all of the officers have made contributions to the house.  Greg was successful in recruiting one of the largest new member classes in recent history, Cassidy and Anthony assured that the new member education process ran smoothly, Alanna has brought back formal dinners to the house, Carter has already completed multiple house improvement projects, Emily has been posting member highlights on our Facebook page, Bo has ensured that reimbursement requests are turned around in a timely manner, Stephanie has made sure that all chapter communications are clear, Collin has reinstated the standards committee, and George has revised the bylaws to improve our chapter and reflect how it truly operates.  We are proud to have them as our new officers and look forward to what they will accomplish throughout the rest of their terms.

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