Chapter Activity Reports

NC Chapter Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

NC Chapter Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Author: Audrey Earnhardt/Saturday, March 4, 2017/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Fundraising, North Carolina

If you have ever been to North Carolina hopefully you have had the opportunity to taste the delicious hot now original glazed doughnut from Krispy Kreme. This company has become the most popular doughnut company in North Carolina and surrounding states. It was first created in 1937 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and can now be found in locations all over the United States. One of the things that make this company great is that they offer a fundraising opportunity for organizations, whether they are non-profit or not. Without hesitation the North Carolina Chapter utilized this fundraiser to help raise money for our Brother’s that are attending NALC. We purchased eighty boxes, which contained a dozen wonderful doughnuts each, from the Krispy Kreme in downtown Raleigh for four dollars a box. We then camped out on the Brickyard at the center of our campus and sold the doughnuts on Wednesday, February 28th for eight dollars a box or one dollar a doughnut. We even took a few boxes of doughnuts around to the different buildings on campus and went to the many offices to sell doughnuts to professors and campus personnel.  We realized that not many college students carry cash on them anymore, so in order to keep up with the times we offered to take payment through the Venmo application. Overall this fundraiser was a success and the money we earned will be very helpful in covering some of the expenses of the Brother’s travelling to Oklahoma next week.


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