Chapter Activity Reports

Oklahoma Chapter Participates in Homecoming Events

Oklahoma Chapter Participates in Homecoming Events

Author: Ricki Schroeder/Thursday, February 16, 2017/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Service to College or Campus, Alumni Relations, Service to Community, Fellowship, Oklahoma (OSU)

Homecoming is the greatest time of the year at Oklahoma State University. Alpha Zeta members participated in celebrating America’s Greatest Homecoming by participating in a multitude of events. Members designed and painted a sign for the annual sign competition held on library lawn each year. This year the sign was designed to look like OSU’s mascot Pistol Pete and members cut out his head hole for people to be able to stick their head through and take a picture. Member and candidates also participated in the Chili Cook-off and Harvest Carnival games. Members made and served chili to OSU student, faculty, and Stillwater residents. The Chili Cook-off is a canned food drives were the public can try chili for a dollar or a can of food. The Harvest Carnival is in conjunction with the Chili Cook-off and helps raise money and can donation for the local food pantries in the area. Alpha Zeta members donated 75 cans at these two events.


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