Chapter Activity Reports

NC Chapter FrAndZgiving Potluck

NC Chapter FrAndZgiving Potluck

Author: Audrey Earnhardt/Wednesday, December 28, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Alumni Relations, Fellowship, North Carolina

This year the North Carolina chapter of Alpha Zeta decided to uphold our pillar of fellowship and have a Thanksgiving potluck before our Wednesday night meeting the week before Thanksgiving. Each Brother signed up to bring various food and goodies for everyone to enjoy. The home cooked food was so delicious that after we said grace and got our food there was conversation to be heard because we were all too enthralled by what was on our plates. After people began to become too full to eat any more we had plenty of time for conversation and enjoying each other’s company before having to go to our meeting. This FrAndZgiving potluck was a wonderful idea and hope that this event will be continued for the years to come.

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