Chapter Activity Reports

Alpha Zeta Ca-Eta Fall Service Projects

Alpha Zeta Ca-Eta Fall Service Projects

Coat drive, Ag in the Classroom, Elementary School Garden Boxes, Boys and Girls Club Turkey Time

Author: Patricia Garcia/Tuesday, December 6, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Activity Type:, Service to Community, Chapter Name:, Cal Eta (Chico), Chapter Spotlight, Chapter News

With the welcomed rain hitting Northern California this Winter it has made the days much chillier. Cal-Eta saw a problem in the community with several community outlets inlook for winter attire for women and children. This project is going on until the end of the semester and we will donate all coats to our local One Coat  organization in  Yuba city.
Professors and students alike have been donating coats, and sweaters. Our goal is to take in two containers full of coats and we have one full at the moment, with two more weeks.

Chico is a large agriculture community but with it also also being a large city our younger students might not be well exposed to agriculture. Several of our members thought it would be fun to do ag in the classroom events at different elementary schools in town. Once approved in our October business meeting the search began for schools and teachers willing to welcome us into there classrooms. We have gone to two schools so far and have been asked back by both for the Spring semester. We hope to continue to put on events like this and make this a Cal-Eta tradition.

One of the same schools in which we did ag in the classroom for was actually starting on a project to create garden boxes for there kindergarten classes. We were asked right away if we would be willing to chip in some muscle for the construction portion and were glad to help. Construction was this past Saturday 12/3/16 and went all from 9 A.M until 3 P.M. The Crops and Horticulture club was also there to pitch in muscle to complete the garden boxes.

The boys and girls club in Chico puts on an event for some of there kids every year called Turkey Time and Cal-Eta has helped in the past, but has not done so in the past two years. Turkey time provides a full Thanksgiving dinner for any low income child in the program and their family. Alpha Zeta Cal-Eta members came to help with the clean up after the event since that is typically when they get the least amount of help. This event was 11/17/16

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