Chapter Activity Reports

October Update- Look if You Dare!!

October Update- Look if You Dare!!

Author: Hannah Bianchi/Tuesday, November 22, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, New Member Development, Service to College or Campus, Promotion of Agriculture, Service to Community, Chapter Development, Fellowship, Cal Epsilon (Fresno)

Alpha Zeta- Cal Epsilon
October Update
Look if you Dare!!!!

Pin the Tail on the Newbies
In October Alpha Zeta Cal Epsilon had our Formal Meeting and our initiate pinning ceremony. This semester 6 initiates have applied for brotherhood, at our meeting, we pinned 5 initiates: Jonathan, Leslie, Abby, Siera, and Hannah. The brothers of Alpha Zeta Cal Epsilon Are looking forward to welcoming these individuals to our fellowship in the coming months!!

Cal Epsilon really got into the Halloween spirit this year by volunteering at the Fresno-Chaffee Zoo’s annual ZooBoo. Brothers Kellen, Kayla, and Beatriz along with members of the Plant Science Club dressed up and passed out candy to kids!!

X Marks the Candy
Ahoy Matey’s there be candy afoot!! Cal Epsilon members built a boat for the Fresno State ASI Trunk or Treat Event. Local kids got the opportunity to “fish” for candy. Captain Kellen and First mate Amber, along with their Magical fish (AKA Hannah) had a blast helping kids have a fun and safe Halloween experience

Marshmallow Women in the Chicken House
Members of Alpha Zeta- Cal Epsilon work hard to excel in all four pillars of Alpha Zeta: Scholarship, Leadership, Fellowship, and Character. Brothers Morgan, Hannah, and Rosamaria made sure to follow all biosecurity protocols during their Poultry lab, even if they did look like marshmallow women. Academic success trumps fashion any day!

Back from the Great Beyond
Meet Alumni brother Debrah Silva. Debrah is currently pursuing her Agricultural Education credential. We thank her for the great sacrifices she has made for the membership of AZ Cal Epsilon. Debrah was essential in helping Cal Epsilon this past year as Treasurer, where she not only reinstated the chapter’s non-profit status but also set the chapter up for future financial success. Debrah was even honored as the 2015-2016 AZ Treasurer of the year. Alpha Zeta Cal Epsilon members cannot wait to see the amazing things Debrah will do in the future.

The Nutty Professor
Brother Brayden Veith is Cal Epsilon’s own “nutty professor”. As Censor it is Brayden’s duty to educate potential initiates on the history and foundations of Alpha Zeta and prepare them for membership. Brayden is currently a junior Pre-vet student and can often be seen around campus with his iconic hamburger backpack. Keep up the great work Brayden!

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