Chapter Activity Reports

NC Chapter Agroecology Farm Tour

NC Chapter Agroecology Farm Tour

Author: Audrey Earnhardt/Wednesday, November 16, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Promotion of Agriculture, Chapter Development, Fellowship, North Carolina

This past week the North Carolina Chapter took two different tours of the NCSU Agroecology Education farm. We were able to learn a lot about the farm, the different produce that is organically grown, the events that are held at the farm, and where their produce goes. The farm is one and a half acres and most of the farm is used to grow organic produce for NC State's own dining halls, such has carrots, watermelon turnips, okra, and much more. The farm also has honeybees on site and we were able to learn a lot about the bees and their critical role in pollinating the produce on the farm. The farm only has one full-time employee, who is the manager of the farm, and relies a lot on volunteers and part-time interns to help keep the farm running properly. During the second farm tour on Saturday we brought a few friends along to learn more about agriculture with us. Some of us even got to take home and eat some of the fresh carrots grown on the farm. This farm tour was a wonderful opportunity to see the smaller side of produce farming and the differences and similarities between organic farming is from traditional farming.


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