Chapter Activity Reports

AZ September Newsletter

Author: Hannah Bianchi/Monday, November 14, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Service to College or Campus, Promotion of Agriculture, Chapter Development, Fellowship, Cal Epsilon (Fresno)

Cupcake Kick Off
Alpha Zeta- Cal Epsilon started the year off right! Our first informal meeting was a great success with many brothers attending. Cupcakes and cookies were provided and gave the members the welcome back they needed after a whirlwind two weeks of school.

Brother vs. Brother Laser Tag

Cal Epsilon had a great time at No Surrender Laser tag for our first brotherhood activity. It proved to be the perfect bonding experience and a great way for our brothers to blow off some steam.

First Formal

Attendance at the first formal meeting was outstanding! Cal Epsilon was lucky enough to have three prospective initiates attend. Brothers discussed future business including the AZ Development Summit and listened to a report from High Council member Beatriz Rodriguez.

Community Service
Since the beginning of the semester Cal Epsilon has had two main community service activities. Members traveled to the Friant Hatchery where they helped to clean up trails and plant new trees. Brothers also volunteered time at the Fresno State Horticulture unit, where they helped transplant and weed.

Meet the Team!

This month Alpha Zeta Cal Epsilon would like to highlight two members of our executive committee: Marlene Miyasaki and Kellen Habib. Marlene is much more than an advisor to our chapter and we could not do all that we do without her. Kellen is the 2016-2017 Chancellor and a third year pre-vet student who is very dedicated to both his coursework and the brotherhood of Alpha Zeta.

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