Chapter Activity Reports

NC Chapter Semi-annual Football Game

NC Chapter Semi-annual Football Game

Author: Audrey Earnhardt/Wednesday, November 2, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Fellowship, North Carolina

This past Thursday evening, October 13th, the older Brothers hosted a “friendly” competitive two-hand touch football game against the newly initiated Brothers of Alpha Zeta. This football game is typically held every semester at the end of our New Member Education Week, but due to heavy rains that week we had to postpone our friendly game. We conducted our football game on Miller Fields on campus surrounded by the many more legitimate intramural soccer and flag football games that were going on that night. It was a back and forth battle between the new Brothers and the older Brothers, but with the newer Brothers gaining ground the older Brothers came to census to be good sports and let the newer Brothers win this nail biting game. It was a fun time of bonding between all of the Brothers and we are already looking forward to our next game in the spring against our spring class of candidates!


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