Chapter Activity Reports

NC Chapter Working Together to Clean Up our Community

NC Chapter Working Together to Clean Up our Community

Author: Audrey Earnhardt/Wednesday, October 19, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Service to Community, Chapter Development, Fellowship, North Carolina

The North Carolina chapter had a gorgeous sunny Sunday afternoon, October 16th, for our Adopt-A-Highway service project. Adopt-A-Highway was established in 1988 by the North Carolina Department of Transportation in response to growing concern regarding little along the state’s roads and highways. Litter is incredibly hazardous to the wildlife as well as people. It attracts rodents, breeds bacteria, devalues homes, kills animals, and can even be a fire hazard. The program’s purpose is to decrease the amount of litter on North Carolina’s roadsides and improve the beauty and quality of the environment. We have a 2-mile stretch of road in Apex, NC that we clean up multiple times a year and had a wonderful time bonding with one another while working together to clean up our environment and make a difference within our community. We are proud to clean up our community, all the while having fun and building relationships within our chapter and community.


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