Chapter Activity Reports

AZ Annual Gala and New Officer Training

Author: Hannah Bianchi/Thursday, May 12, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Chapter Development, Cal Epsilon (Fresno)

Alpha Zeta Cal Epsilon has had a busy month. On May 7th we hosted our annual gala where we honored our seniors, community members and retiring officers. On May 12th the new and old officer teams met to hand off all pertinent materials and information to prepare for the upcoming year.
At our gala we recognized our senior membersand wished them luck in their future endeavors. The graduates are as follows: Debrah Silva, Anthony Durmonde, Miles Robinson, Yesenia Ramirez, Roberto Cauto, Maddie Capistrano, Kelsey Boyle, Kaylee Boyle, Jacob Vasquez, Toushoulong Vang, Kelsie Raulino and Lennette Gutierrez.

We also recognized our retiring officers from the 2015-2016 year: Anthony Durmonde- Chancellor, Kelsie Raulino- Censor, Debrah Silva- Treasurer, Hannah Bianchi- Scribe, Miles Robinson- Chronicler and Conor Kelley- Sergeant at Arms. 

The Past officer team also offered our thanks to our advisors Mrs. Marlene Miyasaki, and Dr. Bushoven. They also wanted to recognize the outstanding efforts of a community member, Damon Silva, for all of his help and support this year. 

The past officer team has enjoyed there time as officers and take pleasure in welcoming the new 2016-2017 officer team and wish them luck in the coming year. The new officers are as follows: Kellen Habib- Chancellor, Brayden Veith- Censor, Amanda Sura- Treasurer, Hannah Bianchi- Scribe, Morgan Briner- Chronicler and Kayla Cardoza- Sergeant at Arms.

Congratulations new officers and good luck!

Sincerely, 2015-2016 Alpha Zeta Cal Epsilon Officer team.

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